Poll: Keeper Radius

Everything about Death Ball.

Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One

Which keeper radius do you prefer?

Shrinks when shot at
Total votes: 20

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Post by EsorcismoNJD »

probably workable solution but more difficult to impliment... changing attacker/keeper radius permanently is a one variable change
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Post by InSaNe` »

All I ask:

Make the volley radius for the attackers/sweepers EQUAL to that of a keeper.
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Post by R3L!K »

wouldn't that make volleying generally harder in the outfield?
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Post by EsorcismoNJD »

or, we can split the difference and just take the average of the two speeds and make them both that... how's that for mathematics at work?

VolleyRadius = 290
VolleyRadiusEnemy = 260
VolleyRadiusKeeper = 200

holy shit that difference is a lot bigger than I thought
I say you knock down radius to 250, keeper up to 250, enemy down to 230... or something like that, you can play with the numbers more...
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Post by :-) »

You know why there are so few keeps and sweeps? It's so bloody hard.

Do what shev said, make goals bigger and don't take away saves that we earn. Give keeps an equal volley radius to the enemies while in the penalty box. You could bring back keeper zones and make the radius smaller in there.
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Post by EsorcismoNJD »

Well bigger goals is up to the map designers, really if he wanted to just change the radius of the keeper, the map designers could deal with that change however they want to... other than that it seems like a good solution.
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Post by DavidM »

goal size is all whats wrong. we just dont change em anymore more NOW. too late :)
deathball 2 then
with bigger goals we could leave out some of the other limitations.
it just needs to be a general thing
big goals on cube and small ones on smallcube wouldnt work...
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Post by EsorcismoNJD »

Does this have anything to do with what we've been talking about? You've been taking language lessons from LB haven't you?

We said bigger goals not goals proportional to map size. HUGE DIFFERENCE! I think a combination of nameless's and shev's respective ideas is the best all-around solution. And then we can possibly get some of the maps converted for these bigger goals, or at least the maps played the most.
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Post by Jelly »

i dont care, just lemme play db
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Post by nameless »

DavidM wrote: goal size is all whats wrong...

that wouldn t solve the lose ball problem. BTW will the keepercheck be faster in the next version?
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Post by DavidM »

yes, annoying when it takes too long to notice that you are keeper and you can'T dodge. it was insanely high in the previous version, and we gained some performance from that...but now it's too low
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Post by l0afz »

:-) wrote: You know why there are so few keeps and sweeps? It's so bloody hard.

Do what shev said, make goals bigger and don't take away saves that we earn. Give keeps an equal volley radius to the enemies while in the penalty box. You could bring back keeper zones and make the radius smaller in there.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
:-) wrote: You know why there are so few keeps and sweeps? It's so bloody hard.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
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Post by R3L!K »

:-) wrote: You know why there are so few keeps and sweeps? It's so bloody hard.

Actually it's because most players are glory hounds and don't give a dam about staying back.

All they wanna do is show off their 'self-volley bounce noob cannon' move again and again.

Worst of all, the guys who are doing this are the experienced players who know they can't get away with it on a high skill game because people know how to defend against those.

Instead they just goal hang the entire game on a pub and switch sides when they realise their team is losing.


Seems this mod can't win. Pubs can become unplayable and fustrating with these kind of characters and PUGs aren't exactly flavour of the month atm.

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Post by Messy »

Sorry R3lik ;)
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Post by :-) »

DavidM wrote: Don't bother, I won't listen to it anyway, since a conistent one doesn't work. The keeper covers almost the whole goal then. And I'm pretty much the only one who knows what a consistent one is like, since nobody else ever played with that. So just believe me ....or not.
For example you CANNOT shoot above the keeper....and he always has a super magnet.

I consider this a small victory in the war against DavidM.