Anyone else stuck on -34? I'm feeling a bit lonely in this thread. This could be the level that the lesser mortals give up on. I've spent more time on this one the last 10 levels put together and got nowhere. *hangsheadintotaldespondency*
Thanks for the companionship guys - I think archaeologists will find me perfectly fossilised on this level in 20,000AD. I've had lots of good ideas...but this level doesn't like any of them
Finally got it - should feel elated but just feel drained! Maybe I need a break from Notpron.
Got on the right track mainly as I'd tried everything else.
Don't think this was fully logical and needed a better hint and definitely a less elaborate answer.
Good luck Hugob and Jayitsupanjin.
Thx Wayfarer
still stucked here.....
It really brings me to mad as no one I can discuss with. Have used up all of my inspiration but still can't find the right track.....
Keep going Jay. It took me 20 solid hours to get the right strategy. All I can say is pretend you're back in the lower positive levels for this one. What would you have thought then? I got stuck in a complete rut based on minus level stuff.
Good luck!
Last edited by Wayfarer on 25-04-2005 15:40, edited 1 time in total.