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Posted: 29-04-2005 08:06
Allright... I guess I will join in on the fun...

I just wish I looked more like Halle Berry...**sigh** oh well....

:lol: :blabla:

Posted: 29-04-2005 08:44
by angelsk
<---- *points* me :)

Posted: 29-04-2005 08:59
by unrealtiger
Nice picture Blizz.Pretty cool.;)

Posted: 29-04-2005 16:19
by Morris
Maybe i should post my ugly mug here too.
Well, here you go:

Posted: 29-04-2005 20:08
by iamjustme
btw... This is what happens when you try to find the Kisa's "workout" pic...

Posted: 29-04-2005 23:29
by garg
Good god.

If this was the weebl and bob forum, this thread would've been cheesed by now and half of you banned heh.

Amazing how different places are.

Hokay, I promised picture of my new hairstyle, and threw in a righteously silly pose for good measure.

Just look at how amazingly sexy that picture looks.

Now look at mine ¬_¬.

Posted: 30-04-2005 01:21
by faquick
well... what a better way to make a FIRST post in this forum than to scare you all with my face? :lol:


btw... HI ALL!!! I am becoming completely addicted to this game, since I discovered it a couple of weeks ago. I already lost many nights staring at my PC display :P

Posted: 30-04-2005 09:26
by fastpitchgirl501
read my

btw my digital camera is a piece of crap and im watin to get a new 1

Posted: 30-04-2005 12:02
by angelsk
Bigger photo, DavidM - I have tonz on my website..... urm, lets find one.....

This me and my boyfriend, Ollie.

(PS: as I said, more on my website: - Gallery)

Posted: 30-04-2005 12:15
by Betty Page
that's me and my fiance david :)

Posted: 30-04-2005 15:15
by omphalos
Someone once told me that I looked like Anakin Skywalker in Episode II. And yes, I did. Now, I look kind of like a mixture between Yoda and Jar-Jar, without Yoda's 1337 jedi skillz and Jar-Jar's ears. ... ed3465.jpg

Posted: 30-04-2005 23:43
by garg
Right, fine.

not work safe.

Posted: 01-05-2005 13:08
by Miss Hammett

Me here, so proud about my brand new leather jacket :lol:

Posted: 01-05-2005 18:09
by Miss Hammett
I don't understand DavidM's either... :eek:

By the way, my eyes:

Posted: 01-05-2005 21:41
by Kisa
Ok, back to topic: show your ugly mug.

Now, here is mine, and it's pierced!
Ugly mug