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Posted: 23-11-2005 16:19
by Monkei
Im gonna do a little bit of whining again!
The lack of clues in this one is really annoying, I have nothing to go on, I have even tried morse code!
Dinner first, riddle after.
Posted: 23-11-2005 16:22
by Orio
Where do you see morse?? 0_o
Posted: 23-11-2005 16:27
by Monkei
Posted: 23-11-2005 18:16
by Orio
*Jenn reminds: NO HINTS ALLOWED*
Posted: 23-11-2005 18:36
by Monkei
Oh sorry!

Posted: 18-05-2006 12:56
by lock_lord
does this level have a .psd file to work on? or is this .jpg enough?
Posted: 18-05-2006 12:57
by Kisa
I don't think I can answer that

Posted: 23-04-2007 20:57
by condecuenta
Wow.... this was an ingeniuos one...... finally got it ! See you on next levels !
Posted: 22-12-2007 20:00
by AnUsKa

Posted: 23-12-2007 21:38
by Kisa
Oh, sure ...
Posted: 23-12-2007 22:00
by frkyjenn
AnUsKa wrote:

using a walkthrough does not equal passing it..
cheaters *shakes head* they make no sense to me
Posted: 05-05-2008 03:57
by DarkMaster
Did it, nice level, it just take ma like one hour, wasnt too dificult.
Posted: 14-05-2008 17:51
by SnowMen
Did it, I beat negative

Posted: 23-07-2008 13:57
by gamemastertips
Man, it's not the least bit encouraging reading how 1 guy actually gave up on this level lol. I found something weird, but I dunno if it's a coincidence. Can I pm som1?
Posted: 23-07-2008 15:20
by frkyjenn
you know you can always pm me