Yes I do
How would you describe your personality?
Up until a few years ago I was really shy around people and I never did anything extraordinary. But...then I watched Jackass for the first time and something in my mind just clicked lol. Now I just don't care about what people think or how they react to anything I do. I jump into walls,hedges,road signs.etc. I also come out with random phrases all of the time. In general I'm a very creative person, I am currently working on several projects including writing a novel which is quite good if I do say so myself lol.
What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)?
I enjoy running around being insane. And reading. And online games. Playing my guitar. Writing. Skateboarding.
What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
I see vacations as an opportunity to go somewhere new and find new places to jump into stuff and skateboard lol.
Do you like to watch sports?
No. lol I just don't get how people can get so excited about watching other people run around doing something that anyone could do if they trained.
Do you like Video or Computer games? What kind of games?
I love games lol. My favourite types are role playing games (every single Final Fantasy,Breath of fire i-v,etc.), I also love playing scary games (resident evil isnt really scary, alone in the dark slightly scary, Silent hill VERY scary especially if you play it in the dark on your own

) I also love Age of empires.
Do you like to read? What kind of books?
Yes I do. I've read:
Harry Potter, Tolkiens books, Douglas Adams, Richard Laymon, Stephen King.
My all time favourite book is IT by Stephen King I recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it (and once you've read it watch the movie, its 3 hours long and it covers virtually nothing thats in the book lol)
What kind of movies do you like?
I like the start wars movies, LOTR movies, scary movies. And lately I have been trying my best to watch Cube and its sequels but I can not find it anywhere

and everyone I know has seen it which is so annoying. My favourite movie has got to be Freddy got fingered, Tom Green is soooo much like me lol.
What kind of music?
Anything that is good. None of the simple dance anthems which are just the same 3second piece of music repeated over and over again to make a 3hour long "song". I love all types of rock: Nirvana, Metalica, Led Zeppelin, Sum 41 etc.
Stairway to heaven is my all time favourite song and I'm learning how to play the live version on my guitar