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Posted: 05-12-2005 17:18
by jooly
*rolls around on the floor laughing so hard rotfl doesn't cover it*

Posted: 05-12-2005 17:38
by Snake-Aes

Posted: 05-12-2005 17:59
by frkyjenn
*resists the urge to post pictures of naked mens dangly bits*

Posted: 05-12-2005 17:59
by BunnyS
(in the voice of the kid from simpsons)

ah - ha


Posted: 05-12-2005 18:01
by frkyjenn
BunnyS wrote: (in the voice of the kid from simpsons)

ah - ha


You say that a lot ;)

Posted: 05-12-2005 18:02
by Eka
I believe it is spelt ha-ha :D

Posted: 05-12-2005 18:05
by jooly
scare = scarce
I'm fairly sure you didn't mean "euphamise" because it didn't make sense in that context .

Plus you could land a hefty fine for that kind of comma abuse.


Posted: 05-12-2005 18:08
by frkyjenn

Posted: 05-12-2005 19:00
by Eka
getting mugged by feminists *hides*

Posted: 05-12-2005 19:16
by Snake-Aes
As long as the feminists don't abhor me it's fine o.รต

Posted: 05-12-2005 22:45
by Rincewind SW
ily wrote: Neah, DavidM`s not pron enough for me. :confused: I`ve only seen his naked face so far.

And I definitely wouldn`t mind guys on this forum being featured in eggs! ;) (when you think of it, the word egg could actually have another meaning here! xD) As I browsed the 'ugly mug' thread I saw quite a few lookers in there!

Stephen: rofl xDD I`d love to have read that. Quite smart of them to pick on notpron instead of the THOUSANDS of other sites with the real thing. Because of course we all know there`s no pron here. Right? :rolleyes:

How the hell do you know my name? O_O Scary, unless you went on my site?

@Eka: Hey, it's a fun thread, may have been said before but this is more lighthearted. :D

Also, the "Christian" viewpoint thread also ended in a discussion about dangly bits, by which time I'm guessing they decided to stop playing NotPr0n. Yay.

Now the feminists have returned... !:lol:
Funny thread.

Posted: 05-12-2005 23:13
by ily
Um, hey, Eka, nice to meet you. ^_^ Yes I am desperate for male pron and I came to this site in search of it. I`m only completing these levels so I can see more hidden eggs and stuff. But.. do you actually mean you can see pron somewhere else on the web? :eek:

Anyhow, this thread was meant to be funny, obviously not to everyone. But if you feel so strongly against it I suggest you find one more worthy of your presence and post there. :p

Stephen, actually, I did go to your site, and I also tried solving your riddle but gave up rather quickly since I had no idea who the question is referring to. ;) And unlike notpron, there I can`t try 82935647 stupid answers confident that nobody will laugh at me. ^^; Anyways, if you mind me calling you by your name I can stop, I`m just really used to doing that with people I meet online.

Posted: 05-12-2005 23:41
by Snake-Aes
You'll turn Eka on this way, ily

Posted: 06-12-2005 02:44
by Futile
I'm pretty sure that wanting to see dangly bits doesn't make these ladies here "feminists". I think they're just horny ;)

I'd rather see pics of other notproners than some fake, airbrushed babe though. Real people are sexier :)

Posted: 06-12-2005 03:13
by theCrusifix
If it helps i'm hung like a tic-tac :P