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Posted: 21-12-2005 00:49
by BunnyS
no one would kill the bunny :o
( I hope g*)


Posted: 21-12-2005 01:01
by fb.shev
its giving me evils

Posted: 21-12-2005 13:15
by BunnyS
nah your just paranoid dude :)

Posted: 21-12-2005 15:24
by fb.shev
what beadie eyes it has

what huge has......

Posted: 21-12-2005 17:14
by Messy
I agree: shev's avatar is way cuter than that four- and beady-eyed monster representing BunnyS! :O

Help! :( It's haunting me at night :<

Posted: 21-12-2005 22:10
by BunnyS
:( the bunny is cute wimps :P

Posted: 21-12-2005 22:19
by Messy
That was sarcasm ;p

Pff..what could I expect from someone who doesn't know what an orca is >:(

Posted: 21-12-2005 22:49
by BunnyS
haha playing the orca card huh ?

and oh you were being sarcastic I NEVER would of guess ! really ! WHAT a surprise


Posted: 21-12-2005 22:49
by slimshady
what's an orca?

Posted: 21-12-2005 22:50
by BunnyS
See !! I am not the only one ! :P

Posted: 21-12-2005 22:51
by slimshady
:mad: somebody tell me what's "orca card"

Posted: 21-12-2005 22:52
by BunnyS
an orca is a whale :)

Posted: 21-12-2005 22:57
by Rincewind SW
Maybe it's not so bad that you don't know what an orca is either of you, but you could have'd it.

Posted: 21-12-2005 22:59
by slimshady
what's an orca card mother theresa? come on please tell me ..

Posted: 21-12-2005 23:07
by Rincewind SW
Um, Bunny was referring to the orca thingy. Obviously he was taunting her before and has brought it up again so it's like the "trump card" but she said Orca Card. :D