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Posted: 21-12-2006 13:11
by Catalyst
Britain used to be about hard work and innovation. Now we just do sarcasm and cynicism - it's our national sport!

Posted: 21-12-2006 15:11
by `Ghost`
Knew it wouldnt be long...

Seems the new ops need to go over the 'rules' themselves before being trusted with ops. They also need to understand that being an op -doesnt- make them an exception, but rather there is more pressure on them to obide by the rules themselves.

Or is this not the case?

Adversary knows what I'm on about, I believe Kermet does too.

Posted: 21-12-2006 16:18
by priior
i dont!

Posted: 21-12-2006 16:36
by Adversary
I know, priior, i don't either.... its not like being ill and sneezing hard, only to let a goal in is against the rules...

but i think this thread speaks for itself

Posted: 21-12-2006 19:55
by `Ghost`
Purposely ruining a game is against the rules last time I heard. So basically you know exactly what I meant.

edit: Is Priior opped? I'm sure he would of been a better choice x100 than Adversary, rather than the people you're friendly with David. Or dare I say it, those who dont hate you

Posted: 21-12-2006 20:21
by DavidM
Look, I asked Priior to be op as one of the first <3

And all oping so far was brilliant. Matches start fast, we have a good atmosphere, we have only 1 ban (that was shady not showing up for a match at all).

You have no idea what's going on and you don't care. You just try to find something that makes ME PERSONALLY look dumb. Good luck.

You do obviously care about this community and you'd like being a loved part of it, but you are going the opposite way and get yourself into deeper depressions this way.
Ok, deny all, but it's obvious....or do not deny it just because it said it.
Anyway, it doesn't help you projecting all your problems in life into me.

I do/did never ever mean to do/be anything bad to you, and I'm always there for honest talking.

Posted: 21-12-2006 20:43
by `Ghost`
No I dont care about the community, I know how much Shady loved playing DB. Its his case I'm fighting not the community's - I cared up until the point I said I quit caring in this thread, thats why you'll find this is my only post since then :)
As far as I know Shady is thinking of quitting too. So thats two, whos next
You just try to find something that makes ME PERSONALLY look dumb
Think I just found it.

You may not of meant to be a complete jerk towards me, but you've never done anything to make up for starting this whole thing off.

If I want to be a loved part of the community, I'd still be playing db, I'd still be using the IRC channels. So to put it bluntly, I dont, and why not? Because I've taken a spectators view, I've seen what its like, and I want -no- part of it. Especially with you running it.

So carry on making yourself seem like this honest trustworthy good guy, more people agree with me now than they ever did, and the best part is - It's not me thats shown them.

You're better off just shutting up completely David when it comes to countering me, I wont make a single comment without something solid to back it up. But you can carry on all you want claiming its my hate towards you that makes me bring these points up. I wont deny I hate you, because I do. I despise you, but thats not the reason that spurs these objections to your handling / actions and what ever else I disagree with. Its called a difference in opinion.
You want to come on here arguing that 2+2 DOES = 4 ? Then fine, I wont disagree just because I hate you... I'll agree because you're right.

edit: Back to the point, ops need to know what the rules are before they're actually trusted. Cant really argue that point o;

Posted: 21-12-2006 20:58
by Adversary
Like i said... this thread speaks for itself.

For starters spearheading this thread is someone who hasn't even played a single pu in the channel...

and tbh... u really need to be there to do this, and i quote:
I wont make a single comment without something solid to back it up
Hear say does not qualify in a court of law...

There was no big fuss after that match - Only Shady trying to start an argument in game.

If you are trying to make bad blood between more people ghost... carry on ... but i'm not gonna hold it against u :P
Come back to DB and stop bitching ;)

EDIT: Ghost really needs to read the #deathball rules before posting in this thread

Posted: 21-12-2006 21:02
by DavidM
If talking wrong things about stuff you haven't even witnessed, and all that lead by emotions, is "backing things up with something solid", then I'm out of discussing things with you, because it just cannot be taken seriously. You're a great guy behind all this stuff right now, but this is doing no good.

OP's do a fabulous job based on our rules. I'm very happy how good it's all running right now.
And your point, as not being part of all this, is..?
The spectators view is just to sit there and ...complain...? But what for if not for the reason I mentioned in the last post?

I don't feel comfortable talking about this in public...just I know you will call me names again in MSN, but that would be a lot more help ful than those ego fights....who gets the better face in front of the community?

Posted: 21-12-2006 21:43
by DI
`Ghost` wrote: Purposely ruining a game is against the rules last time I heard. So basically you know exactly what I meant.

edit: Is Priior opped? I'm sure he would of been a better choice x100 than Adversary, rather than the people you're friendly with David. Or dare I say it, those who dont hate you
Dan is kinda new to the community but as far as I know him, he's correct and pleasant, he never gave me reasons to think otherwise about him. Ghost I don't agree with you at all. But I'm not here to repeat the same things.

I really don't like the meaning of your post. I get this:
1) I have to hate DavidM to be a serious operator.
2) Now, I hate you 'cause DavidM asked me to be an op.
3) In the end, I have to hate you or DavidM to be an op.

Well, I don't hate you like I don't hate DavidM. And I won't reply in this weird thread anymore 'cause it makes me feel bad. Sorry man, I'll leave you alone once for all.

Posted: 21-12-2006 22:05
by dildo
DI wrote: And I won't reply in this weird thread anymore 'cause it makes me feel bad. Sorry man, I'll leave you alone once for all.

that's why this is my first and only post, not going to meddle in "their" fight

Posted: 22-12-2006 14:00
by `Ghost`
LOL See DavidM's typical subject change, see DavidM's typical 'avoidance' moving to off topic. Delete the thread David, at least to me you've proved exactly who you are.

Posted: 22-12-2006 14:08
by DavidM
The offtopic+name change gives you a perfect reason to distract from what's actually going on

Posted: 22-12-2006 14:14
by priior
now that it's offtopic.. ill post :)

ghost: david asked me to be op.. but i refused cuz i thought it was gonna create drama, and i don't like being op because being op involves disciplining buddies at some point... and thats a sure way of getting on someone's bad side.. i don't need this kind of drama directed to me...

ack game starting img onna get banned ill continue this later!!!

edit: k game ended..

my views on running a channel
i think there are many types of peopel out there with many types of ways to have fun.

some people have fun by playing a serious game. other ppl have fun just by playing. other ppl have fun by making jokes etc. other ppl have fun by pushing their limits etc.. etc.. etc..

i believe all of these different ways of having fun are valid it;s not up to us to say THIS way is the way pickups have to be played.. it's a pickup! there to be fun for everyone.

so: a bit of tolerance is necessary for fun.

rules suck for irc channels. aside from creating an opportunity for ppl to question an ops fair (or unfair) decisions, it sucks the fun out of a game.

why? because most people don;t know the difference between the letter of the law and spirit of the law. (look it up)

someone who purposely joins at the last possible allowed minute consistently is breaking the spirit of the law, but not the letter.

compared to someone who had one last bite of sandwich to eat before joining, once who came a few minutes later than allowed.

i say: no rules. get some ops who can use common sense and pick up those who are purposely ruining the fun for everyone. and if they abuse it.. everyone will complain and said ops lose their power. it;s a self sustaining system. without turning the channel into a courtroom.

k im tired of typing..

Posted: 22-12-2006 15:21
by DavidM
once its offtopic you post somethings thats ontopic :P

you know our set of rules. its basically just making people join quick and not ruin matches.
the rest is just asking people to behave ethically, howevery everyone interprets it. but it can be talked about once someone feels annoyed <3