Bring back set jumping/cognitive thought

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Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One

Should set-jumping be brought back?

Total votes: 53

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Post by nameless »

omg get out of this forum with that stupid cheater-strike-bullshit
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Post by hiausd »

It's not the jumps that screwed up DB as a whole. It's the complete boosting of volleying in general. There was way more competition when people weren't volleying everything. When I was still playing league/scrims a month ago, 80% of the goals I gave came from blocked shots/passes where the offense just jumped up and vollied it back into the goal. The other 20% came from mistakes :p Pre-volleyboost, no one would ever try to do that because the volley radius would be smaller and it wouldn't be as fast. They would actually have to catch it and use some shooting skill. The volleyboost reduced shooting to something you use when you're 2 feet from the goal. It tipped the balance of offensive power too much on the volley side. The volley boost also turned pubs into volley only matches. Do you think we would be playing smallcube 24/7 if volleying wasn't as fast and cheap? In 1.3b volleying was sensible. Back then smallcube was played for recreation, not as a stand-alone game.

Unfortunately it's too late to turn back DB because there would be too many people complaining that volleys are too slow. Even jumping would be hard to reverse. It's one thing to make something easy, but increasing difficulty is something that people don't accept.
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Post by Harold|ZBN »

hmm i agree with surge on this. and yes surge talks to much, but atleast he tries to get daethball going while most other posters here seem to be inclined to "flame surge wohooho" as soon as he posts something. personally i liked 1.3b best. i think boosting stinks. "whoohoo i can fly over all the defence". anyway i dont think DB will ever be like it was "back in the days" ;) i cant say i really care either i have a lot of good times with ZBN and will enjoy it for as long as i can be bothered. but since 1.3b the only way deathball went was down imo it will keep going that way for the time being. im not blaming davidm or something like all the other flame noobs. its just everything: the game, the gay tactics, the flaming on forums, the flaming ingame, the supperior attitude of clan players. and no im not some holy guy either. i get pissed at noobs aswell sometimes when i get online for a game and get in a team with players who dont know about the pass button yet.
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Post by frostymoss »

Not gonna bother reading through everyone's posts. But i did read surge's. A few things. Surge you are a damn lier. W*K Beat you in the league 9-5. :) . Also i like set jumping and free jumping. Why not balance them out?

frist 2 jumps=free jumping
jump 3 and 4 = set jumping

that would make it a lot harder to volley whore and require more effort. FEEDBACK WHORES.
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Post by frostymoss »

also cajuncook. I just read a post aboutyou being brand new. How can you really take part in this topic if you've never played 1.3b?
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Post by Surge »

i agree with frosties idea of first 2 being non-set jumps for dodge keeping, low vollies, catchin lower passes, changing direction while jumping, etc. I still think free-jump is what fucked the game up cause it is what allowed for vollies to become easier, boosting to become more effective (groub hovers), really cheap cY moves (hoving a player over the net and scoring with a falling pass shot), and would give both the D and O a break once in a while if you cant get all 4 jumps to go on a bomb pass.
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Post by Alars »

i agree with frosty as well but the first two should be set and jump 3&4 be free imo

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Post by Inphidel »

Yeah, next lets take out the Passing program, so every pass is actually a shot. Its much to n00b like to just hit the pass button and have the computer automaticly figure out where to send the ball for a perfect pass everytime

and after that we'll take out the volly so you hafta charge the gun as if it has the ball in order to volly so you need to time it just right to get full power. its way to n00b friendly to be able to just volly the ball like that.

hey, we can take off those icons over the ball and the players so its harder to tell where everyone is, that makes the game entirely too easy to play. lets throw the teams in camo and play in jungle maps too where everyone looks the same, and throw in dribble because why would you want to pass the ball, he might be the enemy! plus passing is to hard now anyways when we can just pwn th3 n00bs w1th m/_/H dR1bBL3 s/<177z!
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Post by gnomeh »

sounds good to me inphidel :)
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Post by frostymoss »

inphidel may i ask you how many pubs, on a regular basis, do you see full or have at least half the player compacity?
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Post by beefsack »

that shot passing sounds interesting...
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Post by Alars »

im already very efficient when it comes to shot passing.....pity im not a keeper....

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Post by Alars »

im already very efficient when it comes to shot passing.....pity im not a keeper....

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Post by Inphidel »

frostymoss wrote: inphidel may i ask you how many pubs, on a regular basis, do you see full or have at least half the player compacity?

haha, usually 6.

In some ways I like that the community is so small, you get to know everyone. but sucks on the other hand that the games are offering nothing new to deal with game to game. and i blame that on the maps all being rectangles with nothing of interest or different. that pool table map will ad somthing new to play yay for that.
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Post by frostymoss »

and how many of the 6 are vo?

all the vo crap was given life by free jumping. Im not against it, but im just disgusted by ignorance (general statement). Anyone can see the plague was brough upon us by the new ease of the ability to volley. It makes peopel feel special.