'We want Panda'

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Post by -Camel- »

Messy, u gotta understand that MOTD is Panda's idea and he should b the one who carries it our. Its like in the real world, do u think that its unfair that little buisnesses are always bein shut down by huge companies just 4 havin an idea that was new?
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Post by Mongoose{FCU2} »

First post here, and i would like it known how strongly my opposition is to Panda bein chucked out and as a result i have posted a comment on the main dbl site under Pandas last post.
This was subsequently followed by a lame arse excuse from Bazzi to which i then responded a further two times.
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Post by gutterflower »

i want "MOTD" <-- STUPID name,

on the db league page, if its not on there i wont read it.

go davidm

Post by Panda »

Your nose seems rather brown Gutter, has David asked you to join Team Vortex yet?

By the way, I did a poll about a name change and most people wanted the name to stay as MOTD
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Post by DavidM »

says the right one
got your ego boosted enough yet on this thread? :)

gutter, i just need people who volunteer to do this
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Post by gutterflower »

personally i dont have the time, but id like to see it stay on the league pages.

basically this thread has no place here
its a "lets have some fun with knocking david and boosting pandas ego some more"

just because panda runs around asking to join everything and saying he's shit all the time doesnt make him uber cool.

And MOTD has little relevence to the page, so as a title it fails.

oh and just for the record, with stealing ideas.

Panda "stole" this idea from
a TV show over here called...MOTD *gasp*
which basically does the same thing panda is doing...

So panda didnt come up with shit, he merely has the power to sit and watch tv


infact all the stuff motd does on the league page is such an obvious move for any "sport" that panda cant really claim anything
Last edited by gutterflower on 23-05-2003 16:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DavidM »

thinking another time about his last post makes it even funnier :D
all stuck in his ass, then one person supports me and he complains that you are stuck in my ass :P

again, panda didnt invent anything new about this motd thing....there is NOTHING special about it 0_o

Post by Panda »

I'm not saying reporting on sports is a completely new idea, obviously. It just seems to me like Team Vortex harvesting their community. Someone comes along and comes up with an idea that the community likes, then DavidM and co. decide they want to take it over.

Its like an analogy that some-one came up with earlier in the thread: its like big businesses taking out the little ones.
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Post by DavidM »

we had that planned long before you came asking me if you can do it

Post by Panda »

Sure ya did... :rolleyes:
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Post by gutterflower »

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Post by Bazzi »

The MOTD idea is in fact also quite old for the DBL. I always wanted to add the possibility for a 3rd 'neutral' report to the games but didn't have the time to code it yet. And I wouldn't have had any time to do reports, I dropped that idea.

Panda came up with a full concept, wasn't a big deal to agree.
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Post by DavidM »

panda, isn't it about time to stop this?
you are not making friends here and it's neither making you look more mature

those who support you just do this, because they believe your made up stuff
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Post by Bazzi »

those who support you just do this, because they believe your made up stuff

or dont like either/both of us
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Post by DavidM »

yup, people like to hear bad things about evil davidm etc, so they just believe it

oh well, nevermind, this thread is a waste of time ;)