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Posted: 30-06-2003 03:22
by RahSun
theberkin8or wrote:
rah why was it needed? (jw )
Ok I don't know if any of you play defense...but when I d I boost the offensive players away from crouch. You get under them better and they go further. From an offensive standpoint well boost. I also boost on offense from crouch because u get under them better and they go higher. just my $0.02.
Oh and thx...I'm much to lazy too look for ur post.
Posted: 30-06-2003 03:24
by Twigstir
PhysicsVolume - pain causing. This no longer works correctly.
DB-GreenBaize - suffers from the PhysicsVolume problem.
- many custom maps also suffer from this bug
DB-Cube - Level preview has old screenshots.
DB-Turbin - Colunms have visible gaps between the two halfs.
- Some Antiportal Volumes don't look useful.
DB-November - puddles.
Hammerbug is still ever present. (Epic's Bug)
Jump trick still in. Get pass>jump= you don't slow down untill you land.
Goal score cam should have a 1 sec delay at a default setting. The zoom is annoying when your moving foward when a goal is scored.
In my opinion the ball "caught" sound needs to be lowered or made adjustable. Keep the volume high for The player that "caught" the ball but lower for someone else getting the ball. In small to mid size maps this sound is very annoying.
Pathnoding looks so-so for 1.7. If future bot support becomes a reality, it looks like most maps will need the pathnoding redone.
* All in all, I just want to say, V1.7 has some very nice work associated with it. Nice job.
Re: 1.7 bug thread
Posted: 30-06-2003 03:32
by The_One
vF_Zonk wrote:
in Smallcube, Cube, November, and probably more that i havent checked, blue team can volley the ball from it's spawn point into red goal to score
red team can't volley into blue net, or it's shot from other half
i've already told davidm about this.
he didn't think it was a priority.
Posted: 30-06-2003 04:14
by CorDawg
Smallcube is a pos now, its just mini cube. We need old smallcube back!
Posted: 30-06-2003 05:03
by Rutzy\Vw\
deathball 1.7 and tennis 0.4 are BOTH DOWNGRADES to their predecessor.
No drop boosts? If I remember correctly, it takes atleast some skill to do, and everyone can do it. its a part of the game.Besides that, there are many things taken away/added that were unneccessary.
Tennis, you totally fudged up major whoever did it. i have even more "missed" shots than in 0.3. by missed, i mean shots that i hit with 30 ping, 0% packet loss, but the game doesnt recognize it. also, the non-killing of people when they are hit with a ball. i think there are more bugs in the new tennis than there were in the old. GJ!
EDIT: 1.6 = simple, fun, competitive.
1.7 = dumbfounded, HOLY F1, too many figures to contemplate eg: hitting distance, boosting changed, etc.
tisk. tisk. tisk.
Posted: 30-06-2003 05:26
by R3L!K
Diab, nicely put, but don't waste your effort. Nobody with any influence in deathball gives a rats ass what Surge thinks. I doubt they even read his posts.
Tennis owns btw.
DB ver. 1.7 SUCKS!!! BALLS
Posted: 30-06-2003 05:36
by RabidMonkey
WTF is with 1.7. 1.6 pwns 1.7 just if they had a better gun where your able to do the same as you could on 1.6 but with 1 gun. No more Noob Cannon can you say GHEY.
1.7 1.7 sucks really bad
Posted: 30-06-2003 05:37
by Rutzy\Vw\
Old tennis = fun and enjoyable.
New tennis = boring and ... not fun at all.
Posted: 30-06-2003 05:47
by Armagon
With my maps I deliberaty had a two unit gap between the halves. This way both teams were able to volley off the mark, so it was fairer.
Posted: 30-06-2003 05:52
by Rutzy\Vw\
Posted: 30-06-2003 05:59
by vF_Zonk
people complain when you can n00b cannon, people complain when u can't
IMO it's better if u can't
Posted: 30-06-2003 06:02
by Deacan Sharp
Yeah, i found a bug too every time a goal is scored, when we respawn a golden orb spawns outta nowhere in the middle of the field , is this meant to happen! its freaking me out.
MY point - bugs are over rated, the only way to fix em is to introduce new bug to kill those bugs, and when they get outta control introduce bigger bugs to kill them and so on. muahahah my true point - there is none.
Posted: 30-06-2003 06:06
by Armagon
Posted: 30-06-2003 06:08
by Deacan Sharp
noob cannon, is a worthy part of the game, keep it in ffs. YOUR taking so many good elements outta the game. add more i say and keep the old school stuff
Posted: 30-06-2003 06:17
by R3L!K
The noob cannon issue has been discussed to death in previous threads. The majority of people didnt like it. If you disagree, make a poll... that should clear it up.