sprinting is teh suxxor

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Post by Cyph »

Originally posted by DavidM
for example sprinting thru the enemy defense, receive a through-pass and score
its a great way to get away from a def

Goal I scored in my first game with sprint was fantastic. Get ball, run towards defender, when I got near him hit sprint. He whacked me, I ran straight past him to be clear in the penalty zone.
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Post by DavidM »

nah, you get that wrong
as soon as you jump sprinting stops, you will be slow again...
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Post by Cyph »

Oh, you just mean it's like stopping sprinting then immediately pressing jump (but without having to let go of the sprint button)? Just a bug fix? Obviously no problem with that then.
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Post by DavidM »

when you are sprinting and press jump, the sprint will immediately stop and 0.00001 seconds later you will jump
like that
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Post by theberkin8or »

i think it would be a good feauture to make you jump further(higher) when sprinting and sprinting stop but taht is just cuz i think it would be a very fun option for O players(i like jumping over ppl making them look like fools :P), but yeah i ddin't think about the whole if you made the jumping pentaly smaller that it would extend sprint that would be bad,

about the boost of engery when you get the ball, i am not saying like half the bar, just enough for one small sprint burst to get you into space if used correctly (maybe 1/4 of the bar or what ever would work), in all casses it would have to be not so much that players could pass the ball back and forth to get more boost fast
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Post by saur0n »

i think people may object to sprinting b/c they think it's only good for O when in fact it's been a great defensive addition

i've already spoiled countless shots on goal by waiting for the right moment as the attacker sets up then sprinting in for that critical jarring hit
also, ball gets cleared downfield and a teammate is just ahead of you? sprint forward and boost them, in old db you would just end up ass running until they (hopefully) finally realized you were behind them

that being said, there is no way players should get special treament (i.e. sprint increase) just for having the ball.
hell i'd even vote for disabling sprinting for ball carriers, that way it would encourage passing and make people use sprinting strategically instead of always trying to be martyrs
same goes for high jumps while carrying/sprinting - DB is not a one man show, and there shouldn't be any features added just so ppl can flaunt their l33tness :mad:
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Post by DavidM »

"DB is not a one man show"

sprinting can hardly be used for for egoistic reasons
but you can great team oriented stuff with it
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Post by saur0n »

no no, i meant if sprinting is combined w/ extra sprint energy when carrying the ball and the ability to jump (higher/farther) then it will become something people use to try and show off all the time
(IMO at least)
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Post by DavidM »

then it becomes an ego tool again...
-> no
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Post by theberkin8or »

the ability to beat a man one on one is a key part of most sports, and playing against a team that is able to boost 4 players back to D, you just simply are not going to pass around them if they have any clue what they are doing, pubs are a different matter but this is a team sport and is best played on a team imo it should stay that way
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Post by Z_Man »

Those are some pretty good improvemnts to sprint but...can't the bar go down faster? 6 seconds (or whatever it is) is way too long...
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Post by night »

saur0n wrote: hell i'd even vote for disabling sprinting for ball carriers,

i would strongly agree with that. to a degree. perhaps half the sprint as a non carrier. something along those lines.

and i also would like to see boost nuked somehow. it greatly cheapens the game.
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Post by GazMaN »

also sprinting helps with annoying newbies who wont slow down to let u boost em, just dab sprint up behind em and launch em!! :)
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Post by night »

haha, i just made a bunch of ballers play with sprint on.

it was actually a pretty good game sprint wise. they were all using it at good times and getting results.
and whats really funny, while sprinting around making runs, defending shots and scoring themselves they where bitching about it in between :D.

anyway, they will come around eventually.
'cept surge and 027, but no loss there :p
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Post by theberkin8or »

"it'd be fine with me if sprint was added to the game... after the league" surge

i am confused has surge once again realized he opened his month before the game had even started to stablize after a change? or is he just lying?