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Posted: 19-11-2003 16:24
by BlackFlame
no we voted for Dudeguy because in our opinion he owns. "so suck me you stupid sin cakes"
Posted: 19-11-2003 18:23
by Croaker
no we voted for Dudeguy because in our opinion he owns. "so suck me you stupid sin cakes"
If you say that, it's like saying euro keepers suck. I dont think euro keepers sux (look at khusdi).
Also,plz dont use SIN talk... it's not cool.
Posted: 20-11-2003 02:45
by Xelent
kthx they voted for inc cause he pwns na and euro both kthx croak u aint shit sin talk is leet eat my pussy sin cakes kthx whos NEXT!!!!!
Posted: 20-11-2003 04:33
by Croaker
^6 year old
Posted: 20-11-2003 18:05
by Dream Killer
Posted: 20-11-2003 18:38
by Croaker
^db nub
Posted: 20-11-2003 20:58
by Dream Killer
< has shoes older than croaker
Posted: 21-11-2003 03:40
by Xelent
< eats ppl like croaker for breakfast
Posted: 21-11-2003 05:22
by Croaker
^geh sex fan
Posted: 22-11-2003 00:05
by Messy
This community pwnz.
Posted: 22-11-2003 10:08
by [V3]J000'D
yup its official INC pwnz tha net even when he has his back turned kthx tonight he just backward keep in a scrim vs rush and only lend in 6 but would of been less goals if we dident fool around kthx eat my pussy snack wells
Posted: 22-11-2003 15:22
by Croaker
v3 should not boast around anymore...
Without inc, they wont even play us, and beating rush means nothing (even more in a scrim)...
Posted: 22-11-2003 19:01
by Dream Killer
Oh lighten up Croaker, its just a game. Worry more about what Santa's gonna give you for Christmas. I know you've had your eye on that new barbie doll. If your nice and don't complain anymore, maybe Santa will bring it to you.
Posted: 22-11-2003 19:35
by [V3]J000'D
yeh stop hatein cause you suck and ur a worthless pile of Santa's fat shit kthx u aint getting shit for Christmas plz kill yourself kthx i win
Posted: 22-11-2003 20:27
by BL44T
hi2u sin