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Posted: 24-12-2003 20:34
by Rens2Sea
Posted: 24-12-2003 20:40
by TEZC-Rage
Posted: 24-12-2003 20:43
by -plær-
rens: aston?
Posted: 24-12-2003 20:58
by DiStUrbeD
rens wins
Posted: 24-12-2003 21:28
by Rens2Sea
-plær- wrote:
rens: aston?
What did you call me? O_o
Posted: 24-12-2003 23:21
by DaJero
Messy wrote:
Use geoshell kthx.
I prefer something stable and simple above eyecandy.
Posted: 24-12-2003 23:28
by Messy
but but... :<
I saw World Idols

Posted: 25-12-2003 00:56
by Rens2Sea
Messy wrote:
I saw World Idols
Yeah me too

Posted: 25-12-2003 07:28
by DavidM
pfff congrats
now they try to brainwash the whole world at once isntead of single countries? 0_o
almost the lowest quality TV show.....
can only be beaten by "who marries the millionaire" or "big brother" x_X
Posted: 25-12-2003 10:33
by DaJero
All these shows have been invented in the Netherlands. I am deeply ashamed....
Posted: 25-12-2003 11:40
by -plær-
World factbook entry on The Netherlands:
-Population: approx. 16 million.
-Language: Dutch
-Major Exports: Reality TV.
-Major Imports: ð-9-TetraHydroCannabinol.
<3 Nederlanders. Ik hou jullie echt

Posted: 25-12-2003 11:48
by Maegrim
ooh, private chat between 2cool and davey, mmm
/me thinks of a new tv-show
Posted: 25-12-2003 14:02
by Messy
gg thc
Oh yeh and merry christmas :>
Posted: 25-12-2003 14:36
by Ha]SS[aN
Posted: 25-12-2003 19:59
by Sina
hassan got a file called fucking nice i wonder whats that