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Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 22-06-2015 23:28
by amh
Woohoo! Who, Who ??!!

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 24-06-2015 01:48
by peymojo

Wow. What. A. Trip. Definitely one of the most interesting experiences I've had in a long time!

Thank you DavidM, level authors, mods, & fellow notpronners for creating such an amazing riddle.

Forever jonesing for that next slow image load...

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 19-08-2015 02:00
by amh
Does anyone have a link to a Notpr0n-rehab center? Withdrawal symptoms worsening ..

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 29-09-2015 01:59
Hi everyone!

So first time poster, just got to Nu today :D
Wanted to say thanks David for giving my brain a much needed refresher in critical thinking.
But while I was reading this thread I found something funny, remember this post by Sjaak on 27-10-2009?


So i wanted to tell that i
Heard someone
About something
Really weird, and his name was:

Mr Sjakes Mat

We're all notpronners here, so something should have stood out immediately to anyone that got even remotely close to the end.
Do you see it?
Well I sure did, before I saw the solution posted on 03-05-2011 by DavidM.
Ok, here's a hint: "first"
Aww screw it, he spelled out SHARK in big capital letters for everyone to see.
So how many "solvers" between those times stated above actually did the whole RV thing?
The world may never know, like a tootsie pop :P O---

Alright time to give RV a shot, for shits and giggles of course :D

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 09-10-2015 04:37
by peymojo
Haha, yup, and in a prior post they mentioned "a big dirty fish". Sounds like a good candidate for the notpron hall of shame! ;)

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 05-11-2015 16:29
by snappuccino
Time to start this again. Took a 1-2 year break, and then another. Started in 2004 and it seems only right to continue. :) Wish me luck.

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 08-11-2015 03:07
by DougM
Good luck snappuccino!....what level did you take your break on? Hopefully not Nu...if so it isn't luck you will need :twisted:

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 09-11-2015 16:03
by snappuccino
It unfortunately was. :[

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 09-11-2015 19:16
by amh
You can do it snappuccino, don't give up!

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 13-11-2015 21:42
by Everfades
I don't understand. How can you remote view something? I just don't get it. How am I supposed to do that? The other levels thus far were fine, but this one is just crazy.
Wait - is this whole thread just there to confuse people? Maybe there is a legit way of getting the answer and the remote view is just something to make you think into the wrong direction? And he tells everyone who finds the real answer to play along and pretend they solved it by remote view instead of the real way they found the answer? Welp, I'm out of ideas and most likely won't figure it out. Neither the numbers nor anything else seems like a hint to me. Maybe it is a reference to a riddle in a book which is about remote view? I never read anything like that so I guess I just can't figure it out. :( :/ I thought the same about several riddles already. They just seemed to require some knowledge to solve which some people just don't have because they don't get the reference or never heard of it and there was no way to find out what it is a reference to as there is no hint on that subject, book, story, etc. whatsoever and I just solved the riddles because I happen to know those stories. Great ride, count me out on that last riddle though. :?

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 13-11-2015 22:12
by amh
No-one and nothing is here to confuse you! Nu is a level whose solution is found using RV. It would be nice if Nu were optional but it isn't if you want the certificate. David's riddle, David's rules I'm afraid. RV is possible, as crazy as it sounds. Like you, I was skeptical, but I thought "what do I have to lose by at least trying?" If you want to know my method (as there are many I believe), PM me and I'll be happy to describe what I did at least. :)

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 16-11-2015 23:52
by saberkiwi
Okie dokie. Never done ANYthing like this before, and I'll admit, I'm a bit of a skeptic going into it ... but I wanna go in with an open mind, research different methods, and try new things. We'll see how this goes!

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 22-12-2015 14:54
by saberkiwi
I'm entirely new to the RV scene — can anyone provide any guidance or resources for education / practice? #notpron channel has not availed me of yet. :/

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 26-12-2015 07:12
by peymojo
Heya saberkiwi... I know our time zones don't often align on IRC but if you can track me down there I'm happy to chat. :)

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 30-12-2015 08:08
by amh
saberkiwi wrote:I'm entirely new to the RV scene — can anyone provide any guidance or resources for education / practice? #notpron channel has not availed me of yet. :/
Did you try the link I sent you there?