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Posted: 27-02-2007 12:19
by BunnyS
guess who :)


Posted: 27-02-2007 12:25
by Kisa
Oh, you and Jooly met :) Two beautiful ladies :)

Next time I'm in London I accompany you, okay? :D (someone must play the ugly part :D)

Posted: 27-02-2007 12:26
by BunnyS
Yeah with Garg and stav as well :o

But sure thing next time you should join us :D

p.s hope she doesn't mind me putting this pic here :)

Posted: 27-02-2007 18:00
by junimond_
Kisa wrote: Next time I'm in London I accompany you, okay? :D (someone must play the ugly part :D)
just for your information kisa: if you need someone for the ugly part you'll have to take someone else with you - you are way to pretty for it :)

Posted: 27-02-2007 23:20
by jooly
^^no probs, although I seem to have a weird wibbly face disease in that pic...

Posted: 28-02-2007 04:06
by eberor
^^ i wanna be the ugly part. take me to london! :)

Posted: 28-02-2007 12:58
by BunnyS
everyone come to London and party tbh :)

Posted: 28-02-2007 13:58
by blessa
This is me - a Norwegian 16 year old girl... haha! I feel so young! ... 1172667618

Posted: 28-02-2007 14:51
by eberor
you mean we're so old? :devil:

Posted: 28-02-2007 14:55
by Kisa
I'm 27, I am old ...

Posted: 28-02-2007 15:41
by blessa
eberor wrote: you mean we're so old? :devil:

Lol, no, not in that way. But I looked at the first pages of this thread, and all I could see was fully grown grown-ups ;)

I haven't seen through the whole thread.

Posted: 28-02-2007 15:48
by Shenmue
Kisa: Come on, 27 years isn't old. Far from it, it's a nice age. It's my grandma's birthday today, she's 89 today, I don't think she would like to hear that 27 was old. Nah, you're still young.

Posted: 28-02-2007 15:57
by Springer
:lol: Kisa!! Old? :lol:
Now you know I'm old!! I can make twice you! :lol: But I still feel young. :D

Posted: 28-02-2007 17:39
by DavidM
oh springer, you're still posting here \o/

Posted: 28-02-2007 18:44
by Nicky
You're not old Kisa :D You're only 7 years older than me and I'm still innocent :devil: ;)