World Cup 2006

Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One

Which team is more likely to reach the final?

Korea Republic
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Post by RaGe|DB »

Cenotaph wrote: every match, ok, like 2 or 3 times, hardly getting something for it anyway. look at argentina, france, and some more teams like that, and see if they dont dive as much as us most games.

we were really bad against France, i agree, but that's caused by the pressure of losing a semi final, really. players are humans, they do stupid things under stress.
2 or 3 times?:D You mean 2 or 3 matches with CONSTANT diving.. if any..

ps, french and argentina didn't even NEARLY drop as much.. not even close.. get a grip
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Post by Cenotaph »

if you think so, i cant convince you otherwise.

ill just say this:

Pimpong dived to win a penalty against USA.
Henry dived to win a foul against Spain that got them their second goal, its arguable if it was a foul or not, but the dive is clear.
Grosso won a penalty in the last minute against Australia, most people considered it not to be a penalty.

Now tell me what we've won with our alleged diving antics?

Was Ronaldo faking when Boulahrouz did that horrific intentional challenge against him? Was Carvalho faking it when Rooney stomp on his groin? We are the unsporting ones, of course we are...

its much better to play violent than to dive sometimes, of course, it must be... That's y there is so much heat on Ronaldo for trying to get the ref to penalise his friend's behaviour and no heat on Rooney for doing what he did...

see, protecting your friends is what matters, he could even kill a man, just protect him, must be some Mafia thing, i dont know...
Last edited by Cenotaph on 07-07-2006 11:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by slimshady »

Cenotaph wrote: Grosso won a penalty in the last minute against Australia, most people considered it not to be a penalty.
Yeah, people dont talk about that dive as much as they talk about Henry and the Portugal team.. and that one WAS NOT a penalty.. :confused:
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Post by RaGe|DB »

Cenotaph wrote: if you think so, i cant convince you otherwise.

ill just say this:

Pimpong dived to win a penalty against USA.
Henry dived to win a foul against Spain that got them their second goal, its arguable if it was a foul or not, but the dive is clear.
Grosso won a penalty in the last minute against Australia, most people considered it not to be a penalty.

Now tell me what we've won with our alleged diving antics?

Was Ronaldo faking when Boulahrouz did that horrific intentional challenge against him? Was Carvalho faking it when Rooney stomp on his groin? We are the unsporting ones, of course we are...

its much better to play violent than to dive sometimes, of course, it must be... That's y there is so much heat on Ronaldo for trying to get the ref to penalise his friend's behaviour and no heat on Rooney for doing what he did...

see, protecting your friends is what matters, he could even kill a man, just protect him, must be some Mafia thing, i dont know...


well it tells us one thing, Portugal should go back to where they come from and practise some more on diving.. as you claim, they dived and got something, while portugal dived over 10 times, cried to the ref, and still didn't get any.. ;)
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Post by bloodeh »

Hmm, that was shit and 100% typical italy (cause they got it in that moment). You saw the team, they were jubilating with grosso like he scored, not like that with totti after he scored - f.e. french players noticed that henry gave them a penalty, but they celebrated the goal with zidane -> much more sympathic...

And if australia would have stopped italy... *cry*
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Post by Cenotaph »

RaGe|DB wrote: Hahahahaha

well it tells us one thing, Portugal should go back to where they come from and practise some more on diving.. as you claim, they dived and got something, while portugal dived over 10 times, cried to the ref, and still didn't get any.. ;)

see, our problem must be that we cant dive well, once we get that fixed, im sure we'll get lots of penalties and free kicks and everyone will be happy and it will much better for the sport, just like with France, Italy and so forth.

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Post by RaGe|DB »

idd, now go to portugal, train on it.. and make sure you won't be back till it's decent.. say.. 2024? cya
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Post by Shady »

Rage your just acting bitter about Portugal owning Hollands ass tbh. ... n%20diving

...And the oscar goes to!
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Post by Cenotaph »

yes rage, in the meantime we'll try to beat the whiners by actually playing football and talking less like we have been doing, is that fine with you? :P
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Post by RaGe|DB »

hah, how many times should I repeat myself, even to shady.. I'm NOT bitter.. I don't a shit the dutch are out, I predicted us never even reachin the quarter finals, so I was right.. big deal.. it's just portugal is horrible to look at, and I'm winding myself up everytime I see a match where they play.. (I've been since the beginning)
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Post by Shady »

Well it looks like your bitter because your singling out Portugal.

Holland, France, Italy all equally dived just to name a few teams.
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Post by RaGe|DB »

Oh please shady, you have absolutely no clue who I am so don't try to judge me... France didn't dive nearly as much, don't try to fucking claim it, prove it..

Italy is well known for their diving, hence why I'm boycotting italy as well, but none of the italian supporters deny it and act like they're the most friendly team in the world.. and even then, italy showed a brilliant performance some matches, whereas portugal showed shit and lucked their way into the semi finals..

Holland, yes, we dived.. I can't argue with that, but we're long out, so no reason to talk about us anymore either..
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Post by Cenotaph »

interesting comment, so this is just because we experienced some success to get to the semi finals. hmm.

yes, we were lucky in the quarters, winning on penalties is always a matter of luck to some and bad luck to another. sadly, one of the teams always has to lose in that phase. apart from that, i dont see that much luck involved.
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Post by [GR]Kermit »

bloodeh wrote: :ban:

In last weeks my nation won a lot of pride. The worldcup was (wtf im talking about - it is!) a big party. Our team impressed me and im so happy to experienced a especially moment more in my life (watching a wc-quarterfinal of my country against a top-team in stadium and see them winning in penalty-shooting).

We loss yesterday. I think italy deserved it, but not with a big edge. To lose it that short before the penalty-shooting is unlucky (or shit) anyway. But i saw a big performence of my team, including yesterday. We became better and better, our defence won unexpected stability. Players like Lahm, Frings and in particular Klose shown big class and we shown after a long time of suffering a win over a "big team".

Im glory towards the german team and im very happy to see the glory for our country here. The people trust to show the flag, to roar something like "Deutschland, Deutschland..." without fear to be a (neo)nazi in the eyes of others. Of course football caused effects like that before, but not in that way. Its very special to see our nation getting a bit of pride, cause we ever had fear handling like that and everyone which said "im very glory to be a german" was a fucking nazi for the others. I hope we can keep much of that, I think we deserve to have the possibility showing pride…

Let the party go on! :D
It's just for bloodeh..

bloodeh ich schreib mal lieber auf deutsch, dann verstehst du mich richtig.
in den letzten 3 wochen war jeder Nerd, Trottel, Proll und Juppie, Fußballassi. Immer und Überall. Das schlimme daran war dass man sich sonst als normaler Fußballfan vor gerade vor diesen subkulturell identifikationslosen Menschen immer dafür rechtfertigen muss wieso man jedes Spiel gucken will und als Fußballassi bezeichnet wird. Die Leute sind einfach dumm im Kopf.
Zweiter Punkt ist einfach dass sich alle ihre scheiß sachen kaufen. ich würde es tausend mal geiler finden wenn kleine kinder was selbst machen, als wenn ihre eltern ihnen was kaufen, weil sie stecken kein Herzblut in die Sache. Immer nur Konsumieren... Das ganze kannst du auf alle altersgruppen beziehen.
Zum Thema Nationalismus hatte ich die Chance mal eine Hausaufgabe zu schreiben. War noch vor der WM, deswegen Vizeweltmeister. Jetzt reiht man sich in Liste von überragenden Fußballnationen ein wie Kroatien oder die Türkei.

Wir sind Demokraten und Menschenrechtler.
Wir sind Exportweltmeister, Pabst, Erfinder der MP3 und Vize-Fußballweltmeister.
Wir sind der Käfer, Rosinenbomber, die Berliner, der 17. Juni und der Kniefall von Warschau.
Wir sind Kafka, Koch und das Kommunistische Manifest.
Wir sind Einstein und die Röntgenstrahlung.
Wir sind das Wartburgfest und das Hammbacher Fest.
Wir sind Mephisto, Faust und Goethe in einem noch dazu.
Wir sind der Ursprung der Reformation und Erfinder des Buchdrucks.
Wir sind die Sieger der Varus-Schlacht.
Wir sind Kaiser, Könige und Kreuzritter.
Wir sind Hexenverfolger und Antisemiten.
Wir sind der dreißig jährige Krieg.
Wir sind Deutsch Süd-West Afrika und der Herero-Aufstand.
Wir sind zum ersten Mal Blitzkrieg, Giftgas, erster Weltkrieg und Kriegsverlierer.
Wir sind zum zweiten Mal Blitzkrieg, massenhafte Ausrottung „niederer“ Menschen und Kriegsverlierer.
Wir sind die Remilitarisierung, das Verdrängen und der kalte Krieg.
Wir sind Leitkultur, Humankapital und das Guido-Mobil.
Wir sind der Überwachungsstaat, Angriffskrieg und drängen an die Weltspitze.

edit: Der größte Schwachsinn den ich gehört habe war in Report Mainz
"Man sollte den Patriotismus nicht den Rechten überlassen"
Ist dann die nächste Stufe den Rassismus nicht den Rechten zu überlassen?
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Post by The_One »

Just award yellow cards for diving after the match has finished and it will disappear. Once the first few players miss the next match for constant diving no-one will do it again.

Oh, and make waving an imaginary card at the referee an automatic yellow as well.