How to not scare away noobs?
Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One
Wow. First off it might just be I haven't pubbed in europe for a while, but I can't imagine you got roughed up over there and not in the NA (North American) servers. I am glad to hear that you found a love for DB on my server though. Even more pleasing is hearing that you were treated well on there. Also, ignore butt.. I don't know why he insists on trying to sour people on 2.0 with his opinion that it isn't any good. Noone is going backwards and the 2003 version is a dead end. Fin. I have already decided to take down my 2003 Deathball server as well, so attrition will do the rest. These naysayers need to upgrade or die if they want to stay with the sport.Munkey wrote: When I first started DeathBall around 2 weeks ago I wanted to stop playing after like 2 games. At the time there were only euro servers with people and EVERYONE was rude. Everyone was passing the ball off the walls to themselves and scoring, not passing.. and once they found out you were new, they would avoid passing it to you and keep mentioning that you were a noob everytime you tried something with the ball (vo is pretty hard on your first day ^_^) So I closed the game and was like "Screw this game, there isn't even that many servers, I don't need to put up with this shit".
But the next day I decided to go play again and seen a low ping server (the BuD server) so right away I noticed I could actually hit the ball when it was infront of me. Also, everyone was pretty much nice and passing because it wasn't VO (I guess VO brings out the evil in people). So then I started to get in to it and learn it and now I don't even play reg UT anymore *_*
Although you still get the random jackasses who think they're "pimp shit" and pass to themselves alot and just go cherry pickin to get the ball to pass to himself somemore. Or guys like [9]BUTT who came in a server last night and was like "Man 2.0 sucks, 1.9 is much better, DavidM sucks cock on his free time updating this crap". We get it, you're afraid of change, just like everyone who hates sequels to games because they were good in the original but the updated one you have to relearn and are afraid to..
Allright, that's my take on the community. Long live DeathBall!
Here's something else you might want to do. If you're in NA, get your tail over to and register there too. Look for a thread in the general forum from me about training/rookie teams and jump in. Bring friends too.
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- Posts: 794
- Joined: 09-03-2003 20:41
Munkey wrote: Oh, I'm already getting better. Still gots lots to learn but I'm getting there. I've read Inphs newbie and "now I can pwn".
OY, i'll say. you were kicking some good butt playing sweep awhile back. totally shut me down. i was getting kinda agrivated too cuz no one on my team knew how to pass to a covered man effectivly or get open

i'm takin my guide down everyones gonna pwn me hard soon

I know I'm jumping into this thread a little late. I haven't been on the boards much, but saw this topic and felt compelled to post.
First of all, I think DB is a great mod. Looks good, plays well, very original. ( On a quick tangent, the only place true innovation stems from in the video game community is the mod scene, so I'm always glad to see something like this pop up.) Also, so no one thinks I'm trying to stroke an ill deserved ego, I'm not very good at DB. I don't think I'm thaaat bad either ( I may be wrong here
). But I have my good days and my bad days.
Let me also say before I start my rant that most people I've seen online are just fine. A lot are friendly and helpful. Just people having a good time with a game. But, every time I've been online, and I mean EVERY time, there is always a bad element trying to scare people off. I've never played a game where I haven't been called "fucking idiot" (Xid? X1D? something like that.) or heard someone say something to effect of : "When are all the no0bs going to bed?" (Rogue). There are lots of no0b comments especially. The fact that a lot of these folks may or may not be doing anything beneficial for the team doesn't seem to matter. It creates a hostile environment for new players. Why put up with these guys every time you play when you could go play Red Orchestra ( another excellent mod imho) where you don't generally have to deal with this stuff? I really like playing DB, but I have always quit out of the game before I really wanted to. Comments don't have to be directed at you to make the game experience miserable btw.
I guess the advice I have to offer to keep newbs (I've been playing since midway through 1.9. Am I still a newb? I really don't know. And who cares really?) playing is only this: You hard asses out there should lighten up. It's a pub game. Instead of bitching at the keeper, go take over for a little while. Instead of telling someone he sucks for making a bad pass, give him some advice. If someone is on your team, you only want him to be better right? When you keep talking about how much your team sucks, but then don't put yourself in a position of responsibility to do something about it, then all you're really doing is blowing smoke up everyone's ass, including your own. And everyone sees this. If your l337 super skills are getting lost in the haze of no0b suck, then why are you even playing pub games? Get in a clan, join a league. I guess thats it. I tried to keep this from being overly hostile, and I hope I succeeded, because this mod rocks.
Why can't we be friends?
First of all, I think DB is a great mod. Looks good, plays well, very original. ( On a quick tangent, the only place true innovation stems from in the video game community is the mod scene, so I'm always glad to see something like this pop up.) Also, so no one thinks I'm trying to stroke an ill deserved ego, I'm not very good at DB. I don't think I'm thaaat bad either ( I may be wrong here

Let me also say before I start my rant that most people I've seen online are just fine. A lot are friendly and helpful. Just people having a good time with a game. But, every time I've been online, and I mean EVERY time, there is always a bad element trying to scare people off. I've never played a game where I haven't been called "fucking idiot" (Xid? X1D? something like that.) or heard someone say something to effect of : "When are all the no0bs going to bed?" (Rogue). There are lots of no0b comments especially. The fact that a lot of these folks may or may not be doing anything beneficial for the team doesn't seem to matter. It creates a hostile environment for new players. Why put up with these guys every time you play when you could go play Red Orchestra ( another excellent mod imho) where you don't generally have to deal with this stuff? I really like playing DB, but I have always quit out of the game before I really wanted to. Comments don't have to be directed at you to make the game experience miserable btw.
I guess the advice I have to offer to keep newbs (I've been playing since midway through 1.9. Am I still a newb? I really don't know. And who cares really?) playing is only this: You hard asses out there should lighten up. It's a pub game. Instead of bitching at the keeper, go take over for a little while. Instead of telling someone he sucks for making a bad pass, give him some advice. If someone is on your team, you only want him to be better right? When you keep talking about how much your team sucks, but then don't put yourself in a position of responsibility to do something about it, then all you're really doing is blowing smoke up everyone's ass, including your own. And everyone sees this. If your l337 super skills are getting lost in the haze of no0b suck, then why are you even playing pub games? Get in a clan, join a league. I guess thats it. I tried to keep this from being overly hostile, and I hope I succeeded, because this mod rocks.
Why can't we be friends?
I agree with you m8, I think a big problem with DB as far as people getting frustrated is in DB there is one ball. that one ball is all that can give your team points to win. so the focus of attention is always on the ball and who is carrying it.
so some people get their pantys all in a bunch cuz they're losing and blame whoever has the ball - ah well. I can't say that this would ever change in db, I pray it will. but best advice for new players i can give is - like you said, its only a game. don't listen to the asshole. if you can wade through all the bullshit, you won't really hafta deal with it anymore once you have finally refined your skills and make less mistakes. plus. db is a small community. so typically you see the same players. afterawhile you all become friends of sorts anyway. atleast if they're not asses heh.
ok i'm sick and rambling -eol-
so some people get their pantys all in a bunch cuz they're losing and blame whoever has the ball - ah well. I can't say that this would ever change in db, I pray it will. but best advice for new players i can give is - like you said, its only a game. don't listen to the asshole. if you can wade through all the bullshit, you won't really hafta deal with it anymore once you have finally refined your skills and make less mistakes. plus. db is a small community. so typically you see the same players. afterawhile you all become friends of sorts anyway. atleast if they're not asses heh.
ok i'm sick and rambling -eol-