Deathball Defense

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Post by DiStUrbeD »

CripTonic wrote: I don't care if you've been playing for 2 days or 2 years, all skills and techniques are available to everyone, and it all depends on how they use them or even if you do.

i completely agree


Skills take time to learn, DB isnt a game you can download and be a pro at instantly. I've been playing for about a year and a half, and im still learning new things. Which is what Foo was talking about.
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Post by R3L!K »

Criptonic. I really don't think an entire new community has been alienated.

But *even if* it had, who do you think it's better to keep happy?

The committed players, who have stuck with it over time and know the game's strengths and weaknesses inside out.

Or the people who have just arrived, find it hard to adapt and want things changed to suit them.

The point I'm making isn't that I disagree with you (although I do) but its the 1st rule of Marketing.

Never do something to alienate the loyal customers. Because then the whole business will collapse.

This isn't a personal attack by the way. I truly believe that once you start playing with quality players and get some exciting games under your belt you'll feel differently.
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Post by Fooman »

Originally posted by CripTonic
Congrats, you've alienated the entire new community.
I don't know who I alienated. Typically, if someone is new to the game they aren't going to be as good as someone who has been playing over a year; a simple fact in any circumstance.

I don't care if you've been playing for 2 days or 2 years, all skills and techniques are available to everyone, and it all depends on how they use them or even if you do.
Over time, in DB, new players will learn how to do things they couldn't a week or a month ago. DB is a learning process. You can't come into the game knowing every trick. It takes time.
Also, thats your opinion that the defenders of offenders haev an advantage when teams are equal, and is again, determined by skill and how people decide to play the game.
Statistically, over almost 2 years, I've found that in those situations stated in a previous post either the offense or defense has a certain advantage. I guess you could say it's an educated opinion, if not fact.
Bottom line is there is almost no way for an offensive player, 1v1, to get past a defender without juking them out, which even you've said takes skill, something that is developed over time. I don't think I would find myself playing a game 2-3 months down the road where I want to play offense, but almost require a team mate to score, thats just retarded, especially if the defenders are also getting better.

Deathball is a team game. Usually people that play for themselves will not stick around more than a week. But if they do, they will learn how to play as a team and this will get you a goal. Stick around, pubbers will get better. I'll try to get some more vets to play in pub servers so you can see some teamwork.
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Post by theberkin8or »

gg foo alienating the new ppls,

criptonic, I wouldn't worry to much about what people say on the forums it has been a long time since any ideas brought up in them have actually resulted in a meaningful game change, but it is fun to argue/ dream anyway :) so don't get hard feelings with anyone in the forums cuz it isn't worth it :) foo is a good guy even if he is wrong at least 50 % of the time :) <3 foo
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Post by Fooman »

Don't listen to berk.

He's a commie. <3
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Post by n00bs_own_Madogg »

I would find myself playing a game 2-3 months down the road where I want to play offense, but almost require a team mate to score, thats just retarded, especially if the defenders are also getting better

To me that could mean two things :/
1) Ego player :/
2) Outrageously poorer than even me at 1 on 1's :eek: :D

Edit: >_< damn sig
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

Crip, come on irc ( and come to #dbpug and if you can actually get one going, play in a pickup game, or join a mixer game (they usually happen later at night, around 6pst or so) and you will see nothing but teamwork, because everyone that plays are experienced players.

The game wouldn't be fun if it was easy to score by yourself, then nobody would ever pass, and it would get very repetitive.