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Posted: 04-04-2005 22:55
by orava
I feel kind of "outsider". I didnt find this with any link, i found it in magazine, yes magazine, made from paper... Its Finnish computing magazine called Mikrobitti.
Posted: 04-04-2005 23:04
by nighthawk263
Hmmmm that is a new one.
Posted: 04-04-2005 23:10
by theCrusifix
actualy thats pretty damn cool....davids riddle idea has made it to store shelves......
Posted: 05-04-2005 00:22
by nighthawk263
Honestly I am surprised I haven't seen in anything here in the states, unless you have crusifix.
Posted: 05-04-2005 12:28
by somjc
A guy start a thread about this riddle @
which is one of the biggest Thai online communication.
Since then, I and my brother start slove this thing together.
Now we're at level 18 :p
Posted: 10-04-2005 00:47
by oh2d
lazy laces.
) They got lots of little game thingies. And the guy who runs the page is cool enough to keep it spoiler free. ^_^
Posted: 10-04-2005 14:48
by ~skyes~
i found this riddle also on and i love it
i'm hanging on lv 5 but i haven't serched intensively enough yet. I'm looking forward to finding the solution...or better..i hope to find it ^^
i also want to say thanks for this wonderful page
fpr me it's a little bit hard to interpret every hints, because english is not my mother language (which you have definitely noticed
Posted: 11-04-2005 01:09
by MrRoboto
I started it and have not been able to put it down.
Very hard on some levels, fairly easy on others, but always a good mind bender... I thought I was an "out side the box" type person but I see now that there is out side the box and then there is also the inside out box!
Posted: 11-04-2005 21:08
by ChrisChris
i was talking to a friend of mine and kept complaining about how bored i was.. he gave me the link to shut up.
(now i want to slap him silly for turning me into a geek
Posted: 24-04-2005 01:01
by camomiletea
rahaeli wrote:
I found it on my LiveJournal friends page, and promptly sent it out again. LJ volunteer work has ground to a screeching halt, and probably won't pick up again until people solve it or give up ...
*points* I found it from her. I volunteer at LiveJournal...
Posted: 24-04-2005 05:27
by pixel-artist-2
hmm I believe then I quit then I started working on it again when I came up on another forum.
Posted: 24-04-2005 18:01
by unrealtiger
I was talking with a friend and he said,that he had a present for me!!!
That was notpron.
He actually found it in the web from a greek website.
Posted: 24-04-2005 18:40
by Springer
That's a good one! Now, you will never be bored at work again!
I see that site says it's a "hard point and click adventure". I think it's a bit more than that, unless I have been doing it wrong all these months! When -41 comes up, I am just going to try pointing and clicking EVERYWHERE
I heard about it from a close Internet friend and If I ever catch up with him again........
Posted: 26-04-2005 04:36
Like Kappei, I found it while visiting my "normal" forum The Mod. didn't update cause he was working on the riddle. I clicked the link he gave, and been here ever since. I also turned the riddle on, too about 12 other addicts too
I wonder how my other "frequently visited websites" are doing? haven't been to ANY of them since March '05! Thanks DavidM!! I blame you! ( and Thank you, too)
Posted: 26-04-2005 15:04
by easylife
i saw it on another forum i visit.