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Re: Level MINUS 12

Posted: 13-09-2015 07:47
by jazzd
Could I pm someone to see if I'm on the right track for this level? I feel like my approach is consistent with the hints from the level but it doesn't seem to be yielding an answer...

Re: Level MINUS 12

Posted: 13-09-2015 15:37
by amh
Sure, you can PM me.

Re: Level MINUS 12

Posted: 16-12-2015 17:39
by Nuggetator
Been stuck on this level for ages, (I'm a little late to the hunt anyway) but can there be any subtle hints or at least a PM so I can try to figure this out? I have no idea what the boxes mean. Also, am I right that the HTML is pointless?

figured it out a few minutes after the post, forgot to update. cool level :D

Re: Level MINUS 12

Posted: 16-12-2015 17:46
by amh
You can PM me.

Re: Level MINUS 12

Posted: 16-05-2016 10:03
by Zerox
Anyone still here that I can PM? As you might guess, I've been stuck on this one for a pretty long time now. I just want to know if I've at least got the general idea right.

Re: Level MINUS 12

Posted: 16-05-2016 15:41
by LetsDoItAndSolveIt
pm me with your ideas !

Re: Level MINUS 12

Posted: 29-11-2016 14:20
by YairZiv
Really? A troll code in the source code? XD

Re: Level MINUS 12

Posted: 01-02-2017 13:52
by mooncake
I am stuck at this level...
can I PM anyone?

did you get my PM?

i found that was still in the Outbox...

Re: Level MINUS 12

Posted: 01-02-2017 19:57
by amh

Re: Level MINUS 12

Posted: 10-03-2017 01:09
by nikgre17
These negatives are headaches. This level is tripping me up. I really need to learn how to use programs.

Edit: Hahhahaha! I hit an egg! I was trying stuff with GIMP, and I thought I saw a thing, so I typed it in and I got 'stop guessing, you can read the password somewhere".

Maybe I'm overthinking it a little.

Double edit: Lol, I was just doing just a little to much with what I had to do. I tried to use 4 instead of 2.

Re: Level MINUS 12

Posted: 26-07-2017 02:55
by Zaphod_B
welp, i'm stuck... is that message on the source code useful??? i really don't know what to do here... help plz

edit: didn't like it... :(
the last one was so much better

Re: Level MINUS 12

Posted: 11-09-2017 02:07
by maicao
is anyone still here? i'm stuck on this and i think i've got some ideas of what to do

is there anyone i can pm?

Re: Level MINUS 12

Posted: 11-09-2017 15:19
by amh
You can PM me.

Re: Level MINUS 12

Posted: 19-03-2018 03:41
by smallwanderer
OMG after WEEKS on this one I thought I had tried everything but then my roommate figured out what to do, and I was able to read it. NOT my favorite level lol.

Re: Level MINUS 12

Posted: 26-03-2018 22:58
by dbockel2
I am confounded by this level. I believe I know how it should be solved but I'm just not "seeing" the solution when I manipulate the image in PS. I also translated the source--thanks for nothing! lol. Please help me understand what I am doing wrong! It is so satisfying to find the correct answer but so frustrating when you are sure you've got the key but can't make it work! Gah!