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Posted: 15-11-2005 16:28
by celex
I did a lot of mistakes.
One was with the water and I´m sure I saw a man in.
I wasted a lot of time with my graphic programm to find out who it is, although the forum gave me the right hint (which I ignored first).
When I came to the "disabled"-sites I spent a lot of time in googling letter-number-combinations and now I know a lot of Florida taxes
It´s really hard to follow the wrong idea, cause you want to find a solution, but you really CAN´T find it there, even if you look as close as you can.
Posted: 16-11-2005 05:48
by armik
My mistake is pretty popular here: on level 8 I had the answer in no time. It seemed too obvious, so I work around it. I spend so many hours...
Than I just tried it. The feeling was strange. I was happy and unhappy at the same time
And no, I didn't learn from this, on 22 I did the very same thing.
Oh, and on level 34 I managed to google original picture used in that level. But it helped me after all, so maybe that was not a mistake

Posted: 19-11-2005 06:05
by Hex
Googled for "ahead of its time" and microwave ovens.
Found an article. In fact, several of the same article on other websites, telling of some of the first microwavable foods. They were made by Iglo, which is owned by Unilever. At Unilever's main website you see a brand of cologne called "Truth".
I seriously thought I was onto something. Then I got some hints and boy did I kick myself.
Posted: 19-01-2006 22:13
by moss257
on level for I actually held up a lighter and a flashlight up to the screen...
Posted: 19-01-2006 22:30
by snackbar
I probably said this earlier somewhere in here but i forget. i forget the level but it had some letters followed by the letters h, t, m, and im thinking "what the hell is h t m?!" For 30 seconds or so. This was a later level too, post 30 or so....I had no excuse.
Posted: 19-01-2006 22:31
by snackbar
btw, lol@moss
Posted: 20-01-2006 12:50
by Faldion
Level 63.
I crawled through the sources of every picture and noticed that one was different (FF wouldn't show the pictures, only the sources).. Spent hours trying different internet addresses in the source, all of them leading me to some Adobe sites.. Also discovered something peculiar that led me to some Dublin Core -stuff... Then I figured out the passwords (duh!) and learned that I had the correct picture.. When I accidentally opened the picture in IE (which showed it correctly, instead of just displaying the source (still cursing my Firefox for that)) I was rather surprised

Posted: 21-01-2006 18:03
by Rincewind SW
Faldion - That's level 61
I know because I'm a fellow FireFox addict and did the same
Posted: 21-01-2006 20:15
by cosmicplectrum
Ok, on one of the early levels when I'd realised you needed the source code, I kept trying to work out the significance of the .../style/css
kept me amused for hours!

Posted: 21-01-2006 20:22
by TehArabianHamburglar
Dont kick me.
I spent four days on 21. Staring at a Banana crossing the screen. I stopped laughing and went back and stared a bit more. I searched through the credits of the video, I tried fucking everything.
Then I went back. Then I tried the too obvious answer out of frustration.
I dispise David for giving 21 straight really elaborate ones, then slapping you in the jaw when you finally start thinking correctly.
Worst riddle I have ever done, but won't turn me off from notpron.
As most said, I screwed up when I opened the door.
--Happy hunting
Posted: 21-01-2006 22:38
by cosmicplectrum
moss257 wrote:
on level for I actually held up a lighter and a flashlight up to the screen...
Yeah I did that too... doesn't help

I had myself convinced there were letters in the letters of 'eyes like an angel smiles like a devil'
Posted: 16-02-2006 13:21
by janni93
I did so many logical mistakes that I lost my tally on them.
The most annoying in general are the ones where I examine the source code and do not see the most obvious things (I am working in the internet business, so I'm rather experienced in reading sources).
One particular fucked up level comes to mind, where I misread a single letter and tried for hours to analyse the wrong piece of music.
Also -4 was sooo hard, I must have had around a billion 404s - regardless what the forum said, I tried to name the thing in the picture and went a far distance off track... (heck, yes, I DID try the coitusinterruptus.htm...)
Posted: 11-03-2006 22:26
by notporner
my silliest mistake so far - lvl 21. actually - two mistakes:D I did absolutely the right thing at first looked at what i got and thought - naaah, too easy (cos' I am too f****n smart for this) then, after two days messing around with white light (:D ) I realised my first solution was probably right - and I got the thing I had to get. But of course, (cos' I am too f****n smart for this) I thought - hmm, too easy (After some hours I understood the right way is not always the shortest one ):D
Posted: 11-03-2006 23:08
by pasta
i had the words for 4 or 5 tryed them a few times pmd somone went to bed next day tryed them the OTHER way arround and it worked yargh
Posted: 12-03-2006 01:10
by J teh Anonymous
The stupidest mistake I've made so far was probably on level 21. I finally had ALL the colours worked out, and I couldn't even read my own solution properly. Took me an extra hour or two to finally get it. =)