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Posted: 03-05-2005 04:56
by \m/ TheMitch \m/
here you are, figured i'd give you all a taste, this isnt the best one of me, but im on the left ... liemel.jpg

Posted: 03-05-2005 18:15
by WeeMan
Hi there, been hanging around the riddling community for a while (since January I think), but I don't post a lot.... just plodding along :)

Here's a pic of me "working" at Galveston Dock's (Texas, USA) on Xmas Eve 2004. Coincidentally, the pic was taken only days before I started doing notpr0n - So, you can see how sensible I was before I came across the devious DavidM :confused:

Festive Wee Man

Santa and Me

Yahoo... Wee Man

Posted: 05-05-2005 06:24
by theCrusifix
ok, not that i like the idea of this, but this is something a buddy of mine made making fun of me. i pulled something like this off at the skatepark today and we didnt bring the camera so he decided to make this and show me. I felt like sharing the fun/funny!


Posted: 06-05-2005 00:03
by iamjustme
Mexican_Minded wrote: and @iamjustme... saludos Cancún :D

¡Saludos Linda!

Posted: 06-05-2005 01:12
by garg
angelsk wrote: /me sends TLC to Springer (and Ollie).

I want some tbh.

Crusifix, that's a nice looking skatepark you got there. I wish one was decent and local. I might actually learn to skate then.

Damn fools.

Anyway, just so that we have some messages on topic...

I had a shave :o

Posted: 06-05-2005 04:12
by nighthawk263
Shaving what's that? Oh that's right somehting I stopped doing....:D


Posted: 06-05-2005 10:20
by Schrumpeinek
This is me, doin what I do best: ... mg032.jpeg

and one year later i did it this way: ... 000161.JPG

and in 2001 it looked like this: ... ruempi.jpg

cool gallery so far:p

Posted: 06-05-2005 17:37
by nicolecole
oppsssssssss, sorry~~
new link here~ ... to/013.jpg

Posted: 07-05-2005 11:18
by ilovepr0n
Since my boyfriend Adam and I so this together, and I'm the only one registered for the forums, here's a picture of both of us. My name's Katherine by the way, nice to meet y'all.

edit: and another

Posted: 07-05-2005 11:48
by ilovepr0n
let's try this again, shall we?


edit: the link from my last post is up and running, now. just wanted to say, i started playing this game about four days ago, and the next morning told adam about it. since then, we've been hooked! especially since i am away at college *university, for you non-americans) during the week and we cannot see each other, it is nice to get on the phone and work together on something. thanks david, for helping out with the distance!

Posted: 07-05-2005 12:29
by Charlotte
Didnt know how to be all flashy and put the pic straight onto the forum :p So heres the link to my faceparty :) ... tr=Z9EA441

Posted: 07-05-2005 13:53
by thib
Hello Everybody !
I discovered the game few days ago, and it's pretty cool to meet you all (cooler, than being stucked at lvl 8, believe me ! ;-))

So here I am, my name is Thibault, 23, and I live in Paris, france :
heres my pic, Sorry I had to hide the ladie's charming face...
see you all !


Posted: 07-05-2005 19:40
by stevenC ... 0218180551

that's me, i give up on the riddle a couple weeks ago (level 81) due to lack of time & exams.. so i can't really include myself in this community sadly ;).

Posted: 09-05-2005 15:43
by Sitara
well here are a few of me...i'm new to the boards but not to the riddle i've been doing it for months now but never had enough trouble with it to have to post...



Posted: 10-05-2005 21:17
by garg
Sitara wrote: well here are a few of me...i'm new to the boards but not to the riddle i've been doing it for months now but never had enough trouble with it to have to post...



Well. You really are quite an attractive young lady arn't ye.

Another pic of me.

