Funny pictures made working on puzzles

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Post by Alena »

@ offpir. no... and I'm very curious why you think of 26.

@ Khann: also no. But nice idea^^
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Post by Orio »

Alena wrote: This is the most stupid picture, I made while working on a puzzle:

I wonder if anyone knows the level.
I realized how stupid this was, gave up in the middle of the work and did the right thing^^
I will have a guess. Though I dont think so, maybe its 73?
Other guesses would be 67 or -12.

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Post by meep98324 »

-12? i would guess minus -10. either that or level 44.
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Post by froggy »

I hated this level so much... I don't think it spoils something, but if you think so, you can delete it.


somehow a lot of pics end up like this with me...
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Post by Guy Weldo »

froggy wrote: I hated this level so much... I don't think it spoils something, but if you think so, you can delete it.


somehow a lot of pics end up like this with me...
Look at what I came up with the green (doodled on it later). Reminded me of Slimer from Ghostbusters:
Last edited by Guy Weldo on 01-03-2006 11:53, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by nmrfxxr »

I think I will keep this as a reminiscent of my notpron experience. :D ... d0ed83.jpg

and here's some ps frustration when I had no clue about what to do. ... 85ee31.jpg

...still stuck on that level though. :rolleyes:
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Post by Rincewind SW »

My kind of NotPronner... except you used sellotape, and even printed it! :|
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Post by Ayane »

Originally posted by nmrfxxr
and here's some ps frustration when I had no clue about what to do.
This looks very familiar... that's where I'm currently stuck as well. :(
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Post by anand »

made it a while ago...
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Post by Shenmue »

Ok, not especially funny, but I like it:

Last edited by Shenmue on 28-05-2006 20:55, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lukeonia1 »

This is the best image I've got to show for my efforts. I don't think it's much of a spoiler, but if it is then let me know. :D
Last edited by Lukeonia1 on 28-05-2006 23:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Shenmue »

That's a major spoiler! :)

I can see which level it is. -12, right? Well, it is the only level it can be, really.
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Post by Lukeonia1 »

You guys really think that was a spoiler? I'd never have made the connection if I didn't know what it was. :P

Ah well, I generally don't save pictures that I work on while notpronning. Although I have the lingering suspicion that I'm going to be regretting that later on...
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Post by Shenmue »

Well, it was a bit of a spoiler actually ... cause it can really help those working on the level.
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Post by anand »

yep i found him hiding here.......
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