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Posted: 01-06-2005 22:30
by jooly
Sorry, Ulf! Didn't mean to hijack the thread.
Posted: 01-06-2005 22:47
by ulf_h

It's OK jooly! I was just jooking! Computer games are a big interest of mine, so I don't mind really...
But I also hope that more notpr0ners want to answer the questions...
Posted: 03-06-2005 07:29
by aic2276
What kind of people are you notpr0ner out there? disciplined and motivated
How would you describe your personality? easy going, but no time for bs
What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)? sports, caring for my wife and son.
What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time? Disc Golf, watch movies, NotPron
Do you like to watch sports? Yes, Football and basketball.
Do you like Video or Computer games? Yes
What kind of games? Sports games mostly, some roleplaying games also.
Do you like to read? Yes
What kind of books? Legal thrillers. John Grisham.
What kind of movies do you like? Action, Drama, Comedy. Really any kind as long as the story is good and it sounds good.
What kind of music? Rock, but I also listen to a little of everything.
Posted: 03-06-2005 07:44
by blacknova
What kind of people are you notpr0ner out there? I personally am determined and ready to burn every cell I have to win this.
How would you describe your personality? Tough. I want something, I go for it, and I go ALL OUT.
What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)? DDR, other games...more puzzles.
What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time? Well...notpron is going to take away months of my life...but usually DDR, and reading.
Do you like to watch sports? Yes, Football.
Do you like Video or Computer games? Yes! VERY MUCH!
What kind of games? RPGs, Tetris...which is why Notpron is a fascination.
Do you like to read? Most assuredly.
What kind of books? Fantasy.
What kind of movies do you like? Comedy, action thrillers.
What kind of music? Some of everything. Mostly Ska and techno.
Posted: 03-06-2005 09:02
by hoerbert
Think I will also join...
How would you describe your personality?
Don't know many adjectives in english which woud fit...
Perhaps calm, prudential (anybody know this word

), determind and helpful.
Don't know if all of these are used in the right context, I just looked them up in a dic...
What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)?
Meeting friends, my PS2, playing Football...
What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
Vacation?? What is that??

Serious: I just like to chill and recover from notpron and work...
Do you like to watch sports?
Yes, especially Football (Soccer), Snooker and Basketball...
Do you like Video or Computer games?
I prefer Video-Games
What kind of games?
Mostly Car-Racing, Adventures and RPGs
My favourites at the Moment are Broken Sword (1-3) (I know, quite old but still worth a play)
And it would be Grand Tourismo 4, if I could afford to buy it atm
Do you like to read?
What kind of books?
Comics (:D), Fantasy (Loved Lord of the Rings)
Want to beginn Discworld
What kind of movies do you like?
Comedy, Action
I like Bruce Willis and Jackie Chan
What kind of music?
Rock. Rather mainstream...
Looking forward to the 'Hurricane'-Festival next WeekEnd
Posted: 03-06-2005 09:23
by Kisa
Nice to meet you

Posted: 03-06-2005 09:29
by steviehouse
I'll join in too
How would you describe your personality?
I don't like to describe myself, I let other people do that for me
What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)?
Spending Time with friends, Cars, etc etc.
What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
Vacation is just for chilling
Do you like to watch sports?
I like to watch and do them. Especially Football (The English Kind) and Snooker
Do you like Video or Computer games? What kind of games?
Yes since I have 2 computers and a PS2. Racing games are my fave, esp GT4

also love GTA series. Many more but can't think right now
Do you like to read? What kind of books?
Read Tolkien's books, "The Cry of The IceMark" was good. Harry potter of course. I read Dan Brown's books too. Wanna read more but not sure what
What kind of movies do you like?
I like watching any movies really but I do like a good action movie.
What kind of music?
Once again I listen to lots of stuff but mainly Rock. Especially Feeder, Ash, LostProphets, Rage Against the Machine etc etc
Posted: 03-06-2005 10:00
by fantastic makeup
How would you describe your personality? eh..goofy, determined, excitable, goofy
What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)? reading, reading, i don't do much but read
What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time? camping and amusement parksare my favorite vacations. I want to see the world I love learning about other cultures, even just visiting another place in the US can be a cultural experience for me.
Do you like to watch sports? Just Basketball. The NCAA tournament in MArch and that's all
Do you like Video or Computer games? Yes. Age of Empires, Sims, Tomb Raider, and then other just passing time games like Fowl Words (have to make words out of a given few letters). Titanic Adventure out of Time was my favorite game, until it broke. Lol, it was also a few years ago, but i imagine I would still love it. AOE is best though, has kept me up night after night. I also just found Hapland, didn't take to long to play it but it was fun
Do you like to read? Yes
What kind of books? Truly, anything. Have read all of James Patterson and Stephen King and Dan Brown. Love classics, just finished 1984. But my all time favoirte author hands down is Chuck Palahniuk. Favorite book is Choke - I've read it 6 times.
What kind of movies do you like? I like mysteries and movies that make you go "What!?!" at the end. Like Memento, Mullholland Drive, Usual Suspects. My favorite movie is Fight Club. I can quote the whole thing. Also Pulp Fiction, Blow, From Dusk til Dawn, many. I could watch movies forever and my DVD collection is ever growing
What kind of music? I will literally listen to and enjoy anything you put on. My favorite though is rock. Tool is my favorite band. Genius. I also love APC, Nine Inch Nails, Rammstein, and Incubus
Posted: 03-06-2005 13:51
by DavidM
ulf_h wrote:
I don't understand, David... Do you mean it's flaws in the "interactive structure" or something? What kind of mistakes?
im saying, you can make mistakes and get stuck. this is prehistoric game design in adventures...
Posted: 03-06-2005 13:55
by Kisa
Yeah, but these are the mistakes people like you learned from!
Posted: 03-06-2005 16:04
by ulf_h
DavidM wrote:
im saying, you can make mistakes and get stuck. this is prehistoric game design in adventures...
Yes, of course, you are right
But still there is a renaissance for old games nowadays! (retro gaming).
I suppose it's a kind of nostaghia.... And when you love something you can stand quite a lot!

Posted: 03-06-2005 18:21
by brick wall
Well I guess i'll join in
How would you describe your personality? i'm not very good at describing myself, I normally have someone else descirbe me.
What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)? Well, I read a lot, and I play ice hockey, and I also play the piano, baritone, and the valve trombone.
What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time? I mainaly go where my family goes, i'm still kinda young (14) to make my own decisions on vacition, but leisure time I like to read, be musical, and notpron.
Do you like to watch sports? yes, i'll watch hockey, football (not soccer, I don't like soccer)
Do you like Video or Computer games? What kind of games? I like Computer games. I like stratgey games like Empire Earth, Warcraft 3, Age of Emiperes, etc.
Do you like to read? Yes, I love to read.
What kind of books? Fantsey. George R.R. Martin, J.R.R Tolkin, Robert Jordan, etc. and sci. fi., like Isacc Asimov
What kind of movies do you like? Anything, really, if it has an intersting story line and isn't soap oprea like, or boring. I really like Action and Comedy
What kind of music? really anything except rap
Posted: 03-06-2005 22:10
by blacknova
Hello Brick.
Posted: 03-06-2005 22:15
by Nicky
Yooo brick wall
Posted: 04-06-2005 01:12
by Hugob
Héhé!! Very interesting thread Ulf !!! :p
Good idea!! But as I already told in one thread it is great to read notprOners feelings but wouldn't it be much better to see our faces, meet each other, exchange all those feelings face to face, organize a big party with all notprOn addicted !!! Maybe some will say notprOners are from every country so it is impossible to gather all! but like world championships in most of sports the location changes at every event, no need to be thousands , just an idea that could become reality if there are motivated people like me!
Any one interested?
We tell in France : "impossible n'est pas Français" = "impossible is not French" I'm sure there are lot of countries like that!!