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Posted: 30-12-2005 23:15
by Messy
Posted: 30-12-2005 23:23
by Kisa
@DavidM: You're the only one with moderating powers here

Posted: 30-12-2005 23:35
by Messy
So DavidM > *?
I challenge you to find something to defeat him!11!
Posted: 30-12-2005 23:36
by BunnyS
Posted: 30-12-2005 23:42
by Messy
Hulk Hogan!
He will rip her shirt too and embarrass her

Posted: 30-12-2005 23:55
by BunnyS
take 2
She would probably enjoy the attention ^^
I raise you one crazy robot dude
Posted: 31-12-2005 01:53
by bloodeh
Posted: 31-12-2005 04:32
by fb.shev
the public wins!
Posted: 31-12-2005 12:09
by Rincewind SW
Poison gas... bleurgh.
Posted: 31-12-2005 12:37
by BunnyS
That one is easy , and as well as a pic I have the most random webpage
Posted: 31-12-2005 13:46
by Rincewind SW
This hole punch breaks the gas mask.
Posted: 31-12-2005 14:29
by Messy
Magic Bubble saves town from broken gas masks at last second"
Last night a magical bubble appeared over the town of Happyville saving it's jolly citizens of dark gassy
doom after an epidemic presumably caused by rotten food in the nearby city brought poisonous gases to the neighbouring town.
Posted: 31-12-2005 14:46
by fb.shev
Posted: 31-12-2005 14:50
by Messy
"I will roundhouse kick everyone in the face that even dreams about thinking of getting near Happyville with a needle!"
Posted: 31-12-2005 16:44
by [GR]Kermit
David M... er Hasselhoff