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Posted: 27-08-2003 07:42
by Surge
Jero: 1
Rens: 0

Posted: 27-08-2003 07:46
by Rens2Sea
what is that supose to mean?

Posted: 27-08-2003 07:57
by Surge
means jaro is lazier so he wins ;)

Posted: 27-08-2003 08:07
by Rens2Sea
Yes we were having a who-is-lazier contest :eek:

Posted: 27-08-2003 08:34
by vF_Zonk


Yeah, i thought of DB-Abnormal for some crazy reason, but i never released it to the public, so there's no way DavidM "stole" it off me

My internet is going SO slow (#*%@) but i'll try to upload it to see if you like it. If you do, you can make a map similar to it........and if you REALLY like it then feel free to edit it yourself........and if you don't like it then i that's ok too

LowCube + holes in ground by itself wouldnt be too good (i think....), but it's just for testing so umm, whatever it ends up as might be cool

We played a few games on Abnormal, and apart from keeping being boring, we all thought it was quite fun! I think it works, but of course some people will say it's way too different to be liked by every1. But umm no matter how many like it, i think i'm gonna release a final version soon.

I'll try to find a place to upload to (if it can get that far without doing "page not found" #&%@*)

Posted: 27-08-2003 10:16
by vF_Zonk
ok, i've uploaded it. Please take a look! Tell me if you like it (with contructive criticism....that is, say what it should be like instead of just sayign it sucks)

It's basically the hole idea (but done quite differently/more complex)

Posted: 27-08-2003 10:21
by DavidM
this stuff under the holes is annoying
dont need such complicated things in db

Posted: 27-08-2003 10:36
by vF_Zonk

not actually that complex....just different paths that lead you to defense/keeper/back to mid

just so you know, it took us about 10 mins till we started liking it (cos no1 had any idea what was going on at the start)

and if stuff under holes wasnt there, you wouldn't be able to get back to mid, or switch positions, or anything....which would suck

the main diff between Abnormal and Hole is that in Abnormal, the keeper actually stands under the he needs a way to get back above ground.

And i put 2 goals in so that the defense cant just camp at one place and win every time.

so ummmmmmmmm yeah i think that once you know what everything does (which isn't that much) then it's not really something that would be explained as "dont need such complicated things in DB"

Posted: 27-08-2003 11:20
by Mayer.hun
imho the idea of DB-Hole is nice, althought gameplay in such way suxx... :ban:

Its just a mix of American football and Basketball :confused: You could just make a field, where you have to bring the ball inside... donneed hole for that.. holes are for sth else :p

But it would be funny to play Basketballlikegameplay on one o teh maps \o/

Anyway... I Will have a look on abnromal too... to tell my opinion on that too.

Conclusion: DB needs new ideas, and new gameplay... DB-Hole would be good to see in teh official packs (although i think it suxx and its not really a DBL map cause its gameplay is far from other maps) So keep up teh good work, and plz... don make it like a fuckingcubelikeorjustcloneofcube map... :lol:

Posted: 27-08-2003 11:39
by Mayer.hun
Zonk: I Looked at your map...

Well.. DavidM was right.. teh stuff udner the map is too complicated... you can make sth. like warp holes instead of tunnels like this :P Anyway.. teh tunnel is too small... I mean, in a fat b match, u won't know where u are :D But keep up the good work :p (oh, and teh lights or I dunno what the problem is... is too bright...

Posted: 27-08-2003 11:53
by vF_Zonk
hmm warpholes = interesting

would it work better if i used them instead of tunnels?

or does it suck anyway? :P

it's true that in a big fat match u won't know where you are

Would the map work (more) if the underground was very simple?

Posted: 27-08-2003 16:18
by Armagon
Yes it would.

Posted: 27-08-2003 16:46
by RaGe|DB
i dont wanna play this in DBL matches :spammer:

Posted: 27-08-2003 21:34
by DavidM
read what i say? no why would anyone do this

Posted: 27-08-2003 21:59
by RaGe|DB
cause u only say things u like? :ban: