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Posted: 23-11-2003 01:11
by Messy
omghi2u klaash

Posted: 24-11-2003 05:30
by DudeGuy
gg i actually read the posts and find that i get flamed

this coming from rush players kthx? "OMG V3 R ASSHOLES"

gg ;)

Posted: 24-11-2003 07:45
by [V3]J000'D
you cant really blame us when u dodge at everything dat moves even from 765756.5666576 kthx stop dodgin away from tha ball DUH!

Posted: 07-12-2003 20:06
by InSaNe`

good point

Posted: 09-12-2003 15:25
by Young_One
um insanoob, why is adren on this list????????/?/?////?/?///??/?

Posted: 10-12-2003 18:23
by giber
You left the best one off the list. Pay attention Insane. Bags > *

Posted: 10-12-2003 19:15
by Ars3h

Posted: 11-12-2003 00:53
by Fruitcake
i <3 j00000 d00000dguy o/

Posted: 13-12-2003 02:01
by Weisso
DavidM wrote: mark rein asked the other day if its correct that the deathball community is pretty much limited to germany....
WTF? 0_o

gg Mark Rein :noob:

btw, i voted Whorehax :D



Posted: 19-12-2003 21:53
by Torak
Don't I deserve some honorable mention? I rox ppl!!! :D

Posted: 23-12-2003 09:15
by Dream Killer
Everyone knows I pwn you Tor. Now go get me some free stuff from ea and maybe I'll vote for you out of pity.

Posted: 01-01-2004 04:14
by InSaNe`
DK is God :D

DOH I forgot Bags because.. Well he doesn't play anymore? I don't see him anymore, he r too busy getting girls :p

Posted: 07-01-2004 11:30
by Blitz
yeh stop hatein cause you suck and ur a worthless pile of Santa's fat shit kthx u aint getting shit for Christmas plz kill yourself kthx i win
