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Post by Catalyst88 »

DavidM wrote: you also must be missunderstanding something

you are not doing this for ME
its for the team and even for yourself

its not like there is anyone saying "good job davidm" either -_-

All the work I've done on DB is for the community, and for myself (it's fun to do). I don't do it to win money, i don't do it to gain something to put on my resumé for a job. The thing is, doing work on DB is basically doing what you tell people to do, which is not the way I like to work (some people might, but not me).

Yes, i wish I'd come up with all the ideas myself and such, and be leading the project (I seriously think I'd've fucked up on the gameplay front by now if that was the case though, as shown by my initial reactions to the better gameplay changes early on). This isn't the case, though, and I can accept that (sometimes - the times when I don't are when I get bitchy, especially if a decision is made that I don't agree with).

I'm sure I've commented on your contributions to DB before, they're good, but I think things could be improved, especially on the PR front. I'm not entirely sure how you'd go about it but I think the changes are there to be made. This isn't supposed to be a personal attack, just some of my thoughts.

Basically, sometimes it feels as though I was only doing work on DB for someone else due to the way you (davidm) go about telling them exactly what ideas you have - being a creative person this doesn't sit well with me, and because I like to have some input and everything i suggest gets smacked down very quickly, it leaves me feeling incredibly frustrated. Again, this isn't an attack on that, because it obviously (sort of), works. I just can't handle that kind of atmosphere.
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Post by Diab »

just wondering, can davidm actually work with the ut code at all?

maby that would have helped alot if davidm was able to code part of the mod himself insteaf of multiple people appearing and leaving? i dunno.

and yes i know he makes maps..that it? (apart from picking what he wants in it?)
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Post by BlackFlame »

and DavidM what about the gg Team Vorte thread? no one ever syas gg to you? i see quite a few posts there
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Post by Scotteh »

gg davidm anyways, have fun with xmp cat, hope you come back soon, RusH misses you :lol:
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Post by Croaker »

vW too :)
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Post by CorDawg »

wtfux is a PR
gg me

Post by DaJero »

CorDawg wrote: wtfux is a PR
gg me

PR is public relations: news posts, informing other sites etc.

I can tell you that I'll be continuing the development on DB 2.0. And I personally do not have a problem of working with DavidM. I like the way he tests your code, he's very involved with what I do.
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Post by Armagon »

Welcome back Jero. :D
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Post by Imo »

DavidM wrote: you also must be missunderstanding something

you are not doing this for ME
its for the team and even for yourself

its not like there is anyone saying "good job davidm" either -_-

I see people on servers saying "GG DavidM" all the time. ;)

Anyhow, keep up the good work. :)
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Post by DavidM »

nah it was meant team internally...
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Post by f1end »

Imo wrote: I see people on servers saying "GG DavidM" all the time. ;)

Anyhow, keep up the good work. :)

LMAO...i don't think he got it IMO.

Post by Panda »

2COOL4-U wrote: PR is public relations: news posts, informing other sites etc.

Going by that I used to be one of main PR guys in the community. Unfortunately it really was a thankless task and when things took a turn for the worse in real life I was forced to prioritize things and maintaining Planet DeathBall and the site as it became was the first thing I had to knock off my list.

If for whatever reason Team Vortex decides they need a PR guy then if circumstances allowed I may be tempted to step in or at least return to one of my former roles (PDB site, RadioK9, countless other tasks I attempted for the sake of trying to add something fun/interesting for the community)

I can definitely see where Cata is coming from when saying that she wasn't given enough encouragement. During the short time that I actually worked for Team Vortex I was expected to drop everything in order to work constantly for the DBL site and to this day I never got a "thankyou". In fact, with every other project I've done in the communtiy has been actively slagged off by David with little comments like "oh it will die within a week" or "oh look, he's not done an update for a whole three days".

I apologise for this post turning into an unstructured rant but hey, thats what anti-depressants do to you....

Best of luck in whatever you move onto Cata and I hope to work with you in the near future on the GibBall stuff we were talking about

Post by DaJero »

From now on I'll be trying to do most of the Public Relation stuff.
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Post by Inphidel »

ok, so lets settle this. I think I understand part of where davidm is coming from.

i'm not saying its right. but he just worries so much about pleaseing everyone he's constantly looking at the bad part of things then the good. thus making remarks so carelessly because thats what he's worried about to begin with? sound right?

perhapse his excitment is shown in a bad light too "I fixed the bounce!" "ok excellent lets get to work on the shoot bug!" or some shit.

so lets just all share some ritlian and chill out.

deathball is a great concept it has alot going for it. ggdavidm

focus on the good things and what we can enhance those qualities. and express that before you say this might poop the game up.... and gather opinions, test them give em a chance to try somthign you never know somethign awesome might even be found without looking for it *coughboostingcough*

anyhow. cata, don't let abandon us! gibball rox! I wanna make some gb specific maps! and if i can ever catch you online i got some nifty ideas you might dig.
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Post by Catalyst88 »

Just PM/e-mail me and I'll reply to them, and I'm still around in #dbpickup anyway, i haven't abandonned you all completely, just pulled back a bit :)

(And no, I haven't given up on GB at all, once DB 2.0 comes out I'll release a new version to go with it :) ).