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Posted: 01-02-2005 07:33
by nighthawk263
junimond_ wrote: supamom - if nighthawks avatar gives us a fortaste what could happen to us when the guys in here drop off their clothes... i'm shure we'll have a lot of fun :)

Sheesh wanna pick on the fat guys huh....:lol:

Posted: 01-02-2005 10:29
by supamom
Ok guys, mega muscle IS NOT SEXY!!! So come one, we wanna see some sexy meat, not all those bulging muscles and veins.....ewwwww!!!

Crusifix, you face is fine, so why attatch it to that awfull, awfull body!:lol:

Posted: 01-02-2005 10:34
by theCrusifix
it was just funy, i was thinking about what was going on. and i kinda wondered what i might look like with muscles, and i could only post it on my yahoo profile, but i'm scared to show my whole, not nude...well for money maybe!!! Perhaps i just might take a pic of me in whole just to see what responces i might get. i'll ponder for a while :)

Posted: 01-02-2005 10:44
by supamom
theCrusifix wrote: it was just funy, i was thinking about what was going on. and i kinda wondered what i might look like with muscles, and i could only post it on my yahoo profile, but i'm scared to show my whole, not nude...well for money maybe!!! Perhaps i just might take a pic of me in whole just to see what responces i might get. i'll ponder for a while :)

Hey, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We are ALL beautiful in one way or another, even if it is not our physical bodies :p

Ok, now that's the "mom" in my coming out now:eek:

Posted: 01-02-2005 10:48
by theCrusifix
ok, i pondered about 3 min and came up with this pic, i just took it. so i do look like hell. but here you go.


Posted: 01-02-2005 10:52
by theCrusifix
now everyone elses turn...i suggest if you dont have a profile, just use a picture hosting site....should work fine

Posted: 01-02-2005 16:35
by calitopgun
"Im not infantile! You stinky butt poophead" ???
What's that all about?

I had forgotten that I had a yahoo profile:
Here's Mine !!!! (the pic is about 5 yrs old)

Posted: 01-02-2005 23:07
by theCrusifix
haha, that line kind of contradicts its self its a really immature line and i'm saying i'm not immature. i dunno.

Posted: 02-02-2005 07:12
by nighthawk263
How is this?

Yes is me and the wife.

Posted: 02-02-2005 08:40
by Kisa
Much better! :)

Posted: 02-02-2005 08:48
by theCrusifix
your turn kisa

Posted: 02-02-2005 08:49
by nighthawk263
Glad you like it.

Crusifix, I don't know about you but we volunteerly put pics up here and no repay.....your thooughts?

Posted: 02-02-2005 08:57
by triper
DavidM allready provided the repay in advance. IsnĀ“t that enough ;)

Posted: 02-02-2005 08:57
by theCrusifix
we got as david would say "(JOOed)" but i'm sure they might post a pic, i hope so anyway! i posted 2 pics, you posted a real one also and still no females. i feel crushed, like a train hit me and took my money and bought food and ate it in front of me while i was hungry, i know none of this makes sense but like most of us David has fried my brain. I will soon be commited to the wacko shack...peace

Posted: 02-02-2005 08:57
by Kisa
My pic is at the end of the cube gallery.
So, only people who solved level 79 can see me :)