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Posted: 14-07-2006 03:13
by MrGraves
Hmm, rather glad I didn't e-mail him again then :>

He's probably out celebrating his birthday at the moment, or rather *looks at the time and calculates for Europe time* perhaps has crashed from too much partying... I'm waiting as well, but I'm sure we'll hear back soon. I had been meaning to send in my Euro a long while back (finished -33 around the beginning of the year), but I ended up getting a new job and moving and forgot all about NP :( Back now though. I'm just glad he's still around, I had already sent it in and sent my e-mail and then realized that I didn't know if he was even around anymore :>

Like I said though, I'm sure we'll probably hear something soon. Sorry to hear that you got a rough treatment but I'm sure there's probably a plausible explanation for it (might have just been checking his e-mail before he left to go somewhere).

Posted: 14-07-2006 05:46
by frkyjenn
@ Apphex

Some people waited up to a week or more for their passwords.

Just because you "sent" the money via paypal.. doesn't mean David has gotten it yet.

So.. either write off the Euro..delete your bookmarks, close the browser and forget about not pron OR quit yer bitchin' and wait until David gets back to you.

DavidM doesn't live and breath notpron.. he does have a life ya know.


Posted: 14-07-2006 07:12
by Kisa
I wouldn't call this a "rough treatment".
DavidM gets hundreds, almost thousand of emails per day (most of them asking stuff like "can't find the code in the dark" etc).
Having to go through all those "little reminders" DOES slow his work down, don't you think?
I can tell you, I get quite angry when I detect ONE email of someone asking for help in my inbox in the morning, and THREE of those "little reminders" asking why I didn't reply yet (yes, I DO sleep sometimes!). I'm glad that this doesn't happen too often, but there are people like that.

However, there is some kind of "delivery time" for the password: since the process is not automated, he has to do it all by hand, so he usually waits a few days to see if there are more people wanting an account, and then sets them all up at once. This is why it may take a week sometimes (including the time paypal or banks need to transfer the money).

And maybe you should go, Apphex, and check how much money you can really make with that weird googlebar ...

Posted: 14-07-2006 07:37
by anand
Kisa wrote:
I can tell you, I get quite angry when I detect ONE email of someone asking for help in my inbox in the morning, and THREE of those "little reminders" asking why I didn't reply yet (yes, I DO sleep sometimes!). I'm glad that this doesn't happen too often, but there are people like that.


Posted: 14-07-2006 07:38
by Kisa
No, not you :) You just kept me updated on your progress and told me I didn't need to reply to the earlier ones anymore :D

I mean some really rude guys (with texts like "Why didn't you reply yet?" - "asnwer me plx" etc) ... most of them seem to give up early though.

Posted: 14-07-2006 07:43
by anand

Posted: 14-07-2006 18:02
by rhbgames
Hmmmm, if DavidM will take a week to send the necessary information (totally reasonable considering all he has to do), I had better send my 1 euro now as I think it is going to take me a week to figure this out as that one word clue isn't doing much for me. Now, just one question - where do I find the information about how to send David his money? :) :) :)


Posted: 14-07-2006 18:02
by Kisa

Posted: 14-07-2006 22:45
by rhbgames
Paid my euro, hope the password information comes with the answer to -33 or I will have paid my money in vain! :) :) :)


Posted: 17-07-2006 09:41
by Shenmue
Then I think you have payed your money in vain, cause you will have to figure out the answer to -33 yourself. :)

Posted: 17-07-2006 09:43
by Kisa
Guess you missunderstood that a bit :D
He means, he hopes the answer to that level comes at the same time as the password ;)

Posted: 17-07-2006 09:56
by Shenmue
Oh, I thought he had paid David a bit extra to get the solution to -33 too. :)

Posted: 17-07-2006 09:57
by Kisa

Posted: 17-07-2006 22:05
by rhbgames
Oh, believe me, I would have paid! :) :)

Posted: 20-07-2006 02:33
by Apphex
Why? This level is really not that difficult at all. Aside from paying the tax (of course), why would one pay to get the answer to this level? Any of the levels from -25 through this one are MUCH much harder!

Oh well; on the other hand, sometimes what seems incredibly easy to one might take another person years to figure out. That's one of the great things about notpronamoronathon