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Posted: 28-09-2006 18:34
by Frunobulax
I've made it this far.....but now I am stuck here at Beta. Dammit!
Posted: 28-09-2006 18:36
by frkyjenn
How long have you been stuck?
Posted: 28-09-2006 18:37
by Frunobulax
I just got at the lvel this morning. So for about 2 hours.
Posted: 28-09-2006 18:41
by frkyjenn
oh.. ok, you aren't that stuck then.
Being "stuck" means you've been here for weeks with all ideas exhausted.
Keep working, you'll get it.

Posted: 28-09-2006 18:44
by Frunobulax
Awright. I'm just so brain fried from the negative levels that I have no idea where to begin. That's my version of 'stuck.'
Posted: 28-09-2006 19:00
by frkyjenn
ahh.. well then, take a break.

Posted: 28-09-2006 19:01
by Frunobulax
I shall.
Posted: 01-10-2006 00:28
by Frunobulax
Day two.
Still stuck.
Posted: 01-10-2006 00:48
by frkyjenn
eh.. two days is nothing in the world of notpron.

Posted: 01-10-2006 02:14
by RazieL
3 days...
I only thought of one thing.
But I have no idea...
Posted: 01-10-2006 02:54
by Frunobulax
Can I just get a hint, please?
Posted: 01-10-2006 02:58
by RazieL
Hey, Frunobulax check your PMs.
Posted: 01-10-2006 07:53
by RazieL
Ok, I guess I'm on my own here... can I pm anyone with what I've tried?
Posted: 01-10-2006 21:13
by Frunobulax
I'll answer in a shortly.
Posted: 01-10-2006 21:14
by Frunobulax
PM rec'd and answer'd.