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Posted: 26-09-2005 21:08
by Da Spadger
Hmm, so if i wait two weeks with downloading the beta, then i would love it directly?


Posted: 26-09-2005 21:56
by StRaFe
Just cant see me loving the ideas at all. Dunno, meh cant really be arsed to "pwn" at this anymore :)

Posted: 26-09-2005 22:19
by NoSexualFreak
dont like it.

goals far too big, the charge is ridiculous, sounds messed up, radar messed up, boosting is crap, hardly any spice... i.m.o.

now hes making cube into november by the sounds of it.



Posted: 26-09-2005 23:34
by StRaFe

Posted: 27-09-2005 01:47
by Leto
Shinobi wrote: Overon!
Leto went 15/21 as keeper yesterday :blabla: Kapi was his D though :lol:

Bad games happen :eek:

Posted: 27-09-2005 10:44
by `Ghost`
And bad people are born

Posted: 27-09-2005 10:45
by `Ghost`
NoSexualFreak wrote: dont like it.

goals far too big, the charge is ridiculous, sounds messed up, radar messed up, boosting is crap, hardly any spice... i.m.o.

now hes making cube into november by the sounds of it.



agree. Well, minus the 'boosting crap'

Actually, lets be a serious ghost for the moment \o/ What is DavidM's real problem? It was his problem with 2.3 too. He tries too many things all at once. Take the 2.3 keeper, they were given a volley delay, their catch radius was decreased and on top of that the volley radius was decreased below the attackers. 3 things that could have been tried seperately in beta's / public testing for opinion, but instead were put in all at once.

2.4, larger goals and an increased charge - lol. No doubt people are going to reply to this post with 'but keeper volley delay was taken away and the volley radius was increased. Aye what ever, but it doesnt change the fact too many things are tried at once. Its almost as if DB is being rushed, and why now? Its been as good as dead for the past God knows (or cares) how long, and all of a sudden its being rushed into a completely new direction - so naturally the people who have grown used to 2.3 (Because we've been at 2.3 for so long? Maybe) are going to complain or find immediate problems with 2.4. Stop doing things so fast, stop throwing things in all at once - imo (And last time I checked, every one was entitled to their opinion - This being aimed at DavidM for putting me down for every comment I make)

No this post isnt a personal shoot at you DavidM, as much as you'd like it to be just so you can shoot back. Its my opinion on whats been done.

edit: woo my biggest post yet \o/

edit2: Now Cata cant blame me for automatically putting myself off X-Ball without second thought

Posted: 27-09-2005 13:46
by DavidM
you know.... I feel no need to reply to this at all, even if you can't wait for it :>
all these complaints deflect off me like the ball in the current beta \o/

Posted: 27-09-2005 13:55
by xiller8r
someone come find me in irc tonight and remind me to install 2.4, keep forgetting.

Posted: 27-09-2005 17:05
by NoSexualFreak
DavidM wrote: you know.... I feel no need to reply to this at all, even if you can't wait for it :>
all these complaints deflect off me like the ball in the current beta \o/

im glad all these balls are bouncing off you.

besides, im expressing my opinion.. not complaining at YOU. ¬_`

Posted: 27-09-2005 17:37
by The_One
To me 2.3 seems horrible to play after experiencing 2.4.

Posted: 27-09-2005 20:08
by Desaster
Ask said before by Pok

2.4 is great for 5vs5 matches, but please be aware that a public 5vs5 on big maps
will never get filled up with players.
Current state of almost all servers.

So whats your plan on 3vs3?, its a crap with the big goals, to easy to score.

Is it possible to decrease volley lantency
for 3vs3 a bit and decrease goals as well?

Otherwise I won't be funny anymore for
3vs3, and I think less people play at pubs

If you make something for 3vs3, the Hinterhof goes back to 3vs3, just make a 4vs4 that the specs don't have to wait toooo long

Anyway good work, especially the newbouncing rules :)

Posted: 27-09-2005 20:09
by DavidM
disagree. learn to play current 3on3 right :)
its good fun

Posted: 27-09-2005 21:36
by BL44T
I've been searching all trough the old topics but I cant seem to find it..
What was the way again to make two db clients; one for the current version and one for the beta?

Posted: 27-09-2005 22:22
by NoSexualFreak
i asume make /deathball (2.3 files) and /deathball1 (2.4 files).. whateva u feel like playing, rename to /deathball.

if you cba to learn 3v3, stick to 2.3 atm.