Cyph wrote:
People complained about the volley power, he reduced the volley power. People complained about the keeper shieldcannon lag, he changed the shieldcannon lag.
MAYBE people would fucking listen to you if you weren't so goddamn aggressive, backed up your arguments with opinions from more than one person and didn't basically act like a complete dick all fucking day.
fine you little fuck.
who complained about volley power now? people who cant volley and 1/2 decent keepers that cant stop them. You can ask almost any keeper that we play with in NA and every single one of them will say evenn with the reduced volley speed a well placed volley goes in. No ifs, ands or buts about it. It was the tactical advantage for shooters to take longer ranged shots.
People complained for the shield cannon delay CAUSE THEY CANT FUCKING SCORE. I scored FINE with the shield cannon being there. Many of us did. You cant come here and say "oh he listens to the community" like his right hand bitch. The fact of the matter is that there was NOTHING wrong with this hammer. This made sence. A decrease in range would have been sufficient but nooo... Also, he footed that bill. We complained after he implemented it saying it was stupid now hes reducing it another .08 seconds. thats a whopping 8 ping approx. That means that if you have a ping of 108 will now feel like a ping of 100 as far as hammer delay goes. Sounds like a lot but its not really. A better compairison is snap your fingers. its about that much faster than the sound lasts.. if that.
You know who gets their way around here. Little fuck heads like you Cyph that love giving lotsa head to David M. I complain, i get ignored, its put up or shut up time. You can't sell me that bullshit about how David M does what the community wants.
Lots of people in our #ballers channel are getting sick of deathball because its too cut and dry like soccer. They're all rectangle maps that people wall volley on. Who made November? an American. Who made U? an American. Both good maps that dont need a back wall to volley off or arnt straight up cube maps. Its called DEFFERING GAMEPLAY. Deathball doesnt have this.
Before when we had set jumps it was harder to volley. You had to be aware oh how high to throw up the ball. You had to be aware of people around you. You couldnt boost as far. You couldn't take a boost then hover in the air. De-set jumping was the worst thing that ever happened to DB.
Hockey is huge in many european countries. Soccer is NOT over here. We dont like playing a game with no differential in play style. Deathball is no longer a game of shooting and skill. Its a game the revolves around what team can pass better. I cant remember the last time i'v seen a really good shot from outside the Pbox go in. Shooting is USELESS.
Now lets see, I'v complained about Pbox camping, how shooting is ass, when dribble got taken out, the fucking huge defensive hammer and a few other issues. I'v never _NEVER_ complained how volley speed is too fast, never complained when it was reduced. I'v never complained about the shield cannon delay. I think its stupid but i didnt complain about it. Why? it doesnt concern me. I thought it was un-necessary and completely illogical and many others did but i DID NOT complain.
You know what you do Cyph. You come in here and you run your mouth. You take the side of the victor cause i alreayd know this post wont even be read or considered and you fucking RUN YOUR MOUTH BITCH. You know what, you can't bring that weak ass shit up in this humpy-bumpy. I don't see you trying to imporve game play for a dying game. You know what you are. Your a fucking yes man that has a lip lock around David M's ass so tight if he got real fat he'd never need lyposuction in that part of his body. The only difference between you and all the other yes men is you run your mouth and expect bug Dave to step up to bat when the going gets rough. Guess what asshole, when its game time its pain time. When your still here a few months down the road and theres no one else to play with you might fnally say to yourself, "you know what, that Surge guy was right, this game is shitty, maybe thats why people stopped playing" but for now you just dont grasp that.
The fact that you had the odasity to try and make me look bad by saying "he fixed 2" things is bullshit. Pointless, rambling bullshit. I post here because i want to see what other people think, i dont post here so fuck heads like you and #1 can ignore my posts. I want to hear from the community, not some yes man. I can back up what i say. Every time, without a shadow of a doubt. Can you?
Now would you like to possibly bring up the fact that m arguments are stupid like a 5 year old or act like a civilized person? Every suggestion has its merrit, untill you, David M, and all the other ass leeches he has realizes this the game wont get any better. I don't know why TNSe even codes this game. If i were him i'd have already bought a rifle, drove to Germany, and shot David M in the face.