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Posted: 28-08-2003 05:08
by Twigstir
Looks very nice indeed. The setup with picks is an excellent idea. Very nice work 2COOL4-U.:p

Posted: 30-08-2003 14:49
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
What about just making shift walk when sprint is disabled :(
It's a minor thing..but it's kewl coz u can do the walking and the and u do moonwalking and then u do the the pelvic thrusting and its soooo leet

Posted: 30-08-2003 15:30
by YoYo789
Would it be possible to get some indication of how much health a person has? I mean i know we've got the 1-100 number... but a simple icon say a star or a red cross for each hit left would be nice.

It takes too long to read the numbers, when a simple single or double icon would convey all the useful info. Make it a radar option pretty please!

Posted: 30-08-2003 15:55
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
This has been talked about by davidm somewhere..dunno where tho but i think it's on these forums...or was it in the 2cool4u changes list? O_o

Neway..been discussed :) prolly gonna be implemented too, if so ^_^ jippii

Posted: 30-08-2003 16:45
by Armagon
Naturally, if this was done, the ideal way to go would be to have two icons when you are over 60HP. One icon when you are below.

Posted: 30-08-2003 17:01
by YoYo789
Armagon wrote: Naturally, if this was done, the ideal way to go would be to have two icons when you are over 60HP. One icon when you are below.

lol, tath was the idea :p

Posted: 30-08-2003 17:02
by Deacan Sharp
MeSSiaH{FCU} wrote: What about just making shift walk when sprint is disabled :(
It's a minor thing..but it's kewl coz u can do the walking and the and u do moonwalking and then u do the the pelvic thrusting and its soooo leet

I invented that :P

Posted: 30-08-2003 20:41
by Surge
although i can see the whole health icon idea being good, but isnt the point of DB to kill stuff, get in the mud, and score opposed to prissy footing around and only taking open shots?

Also, i can usually keep tabs on people that get hit from memory (by associating models and tags) and i know who to attack on defense because of what happens upfield. Same goes for my team. If someone shells the ball off to me after getting hit i either wait till they or some one else gets open or go balls out at the net.

Its not called deathball because you play it safely. It should be called safetyball if thats the case. Having the "ability" to keep tabs on damage values using the radar display effectivly or from memory is a huge advantage that some people have over others. Adding the -60/+60 icons takes away yet another skill people that play the game more tend to pick up on.

Posted: 30-08-2003 21:30
by HerbalTea
Surge, if I shot you with a gun or stab you with a knife your gonna bleed. In deathball you get hurt but nothing happens to you, you don't walk slower or limp, your shot isn't impared either, where as with most games the more damage you take the worse you play. There currently is no way to tell how damaged a player is that is a useful tool to quickly tell how hurt they are.

I vote for green light for +60 health and red light for below.

btw, I do use my memory on how much a person should have left for a kill

Posted: 30-08-2003 22:03
by RaGe|DB
i invented that when u dodge in air u loose jumps :)

Posted: 30-08-2003 22:13
by TEZC_Robban
doesnt really matter anyway, we can still see hp in their beacon.

Posted: 31-08-2003 08:26
by DavidM
oh, health
We did that one week ago already:

When the health is lower than 60 its RED
from 60 to 100 it fades from yellow to green.
I know, the number never actually helped.

Posted: 01-09-2003 15:32
by Large Potato
With sprint on, you can still exploit it by doing sprint jumps even with it being client side. Perhaps add a 0.1 or so extra delay on being able to jump after a sprint finishes or something.

People exploiting this annoys me so much, sigh. The keeper can easily get over the halfway line in legofan using a sprint quad jump from the edge of the penalty area.

Posted: 01-09-2003 23:32
by beefsack

Posted: 02-09-2003 02:00
by Armagon
Yes, admittedly I whore this a lot.