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Posted: 24-04-2004 06:29
by priior
final version (is there such a thing?)
(top and bottom hud will be same colour.. team colour.. now showing red top, blue bottom)
Posted: 24-04-2004 06:31
by priior
this is more like what it would look like in game.. for a person with low health and holding the ball.. (if you are nto holding the ball, you are not a keeper, and are not in a penaltry box.. the HUD is VERY minimalistic...)
Posted: 24-04-2004 08:27
by DavidM
that stuff is just great!
-make the bottom grey thing blue or red too.
-the logos need work, they are not self explaining enough.
-for "you are keeper" put that little guy in front of a goal
-for "no keeper" show an empty goal (red)
-own pbox is good
-turn enemybox around
-you have ball icon aint good, this is more like a snowflake atm. the old one looked good
-what about 'pass me' icon?
oh and when you get us the textures, have em all white/grey, in dds format using alpha channels
Posted: 24-04-2004 09:59
by RaGe|DB
priorr, I can't see the pics, somehow
I wanna see them, can't you load one up in the post, instead of url
Posted: 24-04-2004 11:20
by Messy
The bottom grey thing IS blue..just you don't see it very well
It will all be clearly visible on top tho, and that's enough.
And indeed 'pass me' icon is missing :< and I agree with david on the snowflake thing
people new to the game should be able to understand..maybe put BALL above it? ;p
As for the pass icon, wouldn't it be great if there would just be something flashing yellow up above (like a part of the upper metal thing), similar to how your beacon would be flashing above your head?
Would be a shame if the metal thing below would have to become any wider.
Posted: 24-04-2004 11:42
by DavidM
no messy.
there can be max 3 icons showing at once.
pass me would be where "you have ball" is atm
you cannot ask for pass and have the ball at once
Posted: 24-04-2004 13:11
by METAFrank
GREAT Hud. but i still think that the red/blue part of the hud needs to have stronger colo(u)rs. The ones on the picture seem more like a grey/gray and a grey/gray-pink to me.
(Teh BE/AE pwnz0r)
Posted: 24-04-2004 14:23
by Diab
Thoughts go back to the scored goal screen that i had an idea for before, whipped another one up to refresh the idea.
I seen in posts that you want bugs fixed before adding ewer eyecandy etc, i fully understand that =)
Posted: 24-04-2004 14:33
by DavidM
ya, thats all coming, one day. we just have not much time and more important things to do
Posted: 24-04-2004 15:26
by Messy
Always liked that idea tbh :>
gg Diab
I guess it's still in the ToDo list?
Posted: 24-04-2004 15:30
by DavidM
but i dont only want to highlight scorers, thats shit. before we do that i leave it out completely
Posted: 24-04-2004 15:31
by priior
re: passme
it would be the ball icon but without any colours... then turns a colour when u get the ball.
since the textures will have to be white..the colour of the hud shouldnt be much of an issue..if they will be put in by code if i understand correctly.
the icons are indeed crap.. thats cuz i suck at making pretty picture.. (i can do design.. make shapes.. but can't draw!) so ill find someone to make the icons
i put inthe snowflake.. cuz i cant seem to find an outline of the db ball anywhere.. is someone has a picture of just the ball post it.. or lemme know
id also liek to know if there's an international symbol for keeper...
(i'll hit google a bit)
(PS: rage: ... _final.jpg )
Posted: 24-04-2004 15:36
by DavidM
keeper = guy in front of goal
gimme your email priior
for "pass me" we need an icon like the current one, a ball + arrow pointing it at player
Posted: 24-04-2004 17:58
by Messy
<-- ? O_o would be easier to just draw a circle with 3 lines around it tho :>
ps: wewt..when you search for "goalkeeper" images on google, you get this: ... m/ham4.jpg
Posted: 24-04-2004 18:02
by DavidM
dont worry, its all done now.