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Posted: 15-05-2005 10:53
by Remy Zero
Me (left) and somebody special

Posted: 15-05-2005 23:17
by Enia
ok usually I am against in posting my photos on the web but I don't want to be consider as antisocial

Posted: 16-05-2005 01:30
by Eshel
Here is a pic of me and my sister,
It was taken last year ....
Shame i couldnt find more ... i had other pictuers aswell ... but i seem to lost them .... i will search them up and will post them later
Posted: 16-05-2005 13:18
by Eshel
hey again,
thanks supamom ... and here are another 2 as promissed ... they are from the beginning of this year ....
from the military training days ......
We had a bad food lol , but i was as hungry as a dog lololol
Posted: 16-05-2005 13:33
by Julie-Anne
Posted: 17-05-2005 09:57
by stranger
OK, here is a picture of me

Posted: 17-05-2005 22:52
by Marphin
Posted: 18-05-2005 10:08
by theCrusifix
ok, here is a few pics i took at the new place i have back at home.. this was a welcome home party to theCrusifix
Posted: 19-05-2005 15:46
by Serendipity
I found an Oktoberfest pic from last year. Anyone care to stop by and go there this year?

Posted: 19-05-2005 22:07
by yuuwaku
Well here's the only decent picture I can find of me at the moment, though it's a bit formal. It's about 3 years old though. I suppose I have other pictures from around then when I went on a canoe trip to Canada, but those aren't so decent for other reasons. About the same as the welcome home picture I guess, but we don't need that. I'll get a recent picture from my brother when he gets his digital camera working. Anyway, here's me.
Posted: 20-05-2005 21:19
by DeAugsburg
Shame (and your salvation) I haven't got proper pictures anymore, just this girlfriend's webcam-art.
Overall it's a pity that I've not had as much time for this community as it deserves. Oh, all the positivity, pride and mental and physical variation! But soon the school will release me and I can spend the whole summer in internet! (<-just joking) (<-just joking)
And then there is this heart-breakingly stupid picture of me by my hobby (note the Augsburg-hat) This is old, too, I have now longer hair.
By the way (and for the quotes) I must one of the youngest people here.
Posted: 23-05-2005 12:29
by GhostsDaddy
Man, everyone here looks so completely different than I'd imagined.
Let's see if I can find any more of me that don't completely suck.
Here's me back when I had short hair:
I also have some pictures of when my hair was absolutely out of control (I donated it to Locks for Love), but nobody wants to see that. Trust me.
Edit: Oh yeah, my avatar looks like me too. Kind of. A little bit.
Posted: 27-05-2005 20:20
by chulo333
I vote yes to the 20 year olds
anyways, here's me
i've been playin here and there for a few weeks. LOVE the game. thanks deathball crew (or whoever put it together)

Posted: 28-05-2005 00:08
by Phyrexian
Serendipity wrote:
Oh, that's so nice.

It's true that the prices are high, but as you usually can't drink that many "mass", and as remy said people around you there are often in a paying mood you shouldn't be totally broke after it. I would be happy to see some of you there.
And I'd be more than happy to see you there.
I have more than enough money.
If the beer sucks, I can just mix up some Siberian Dawns.
Oh, and here's me:
Posted: 06-06-2005 20:16
by Hugob
Hi all!! That's me!! The snake of course
Jenn says: hehehe.. i cropped and made it smaller.

hope you don't mind.
To Jenn : no for sure I was actually thinking to do that