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Posted: 05-06-2005 23:58
by Hugob
Posted: 06-06-2005 05:17
by ulf_h
brick wall wrote:
I feel like one of the younger people that are on this forum, me being 14
And I am
40 years older than you brick wall!
So, the age doesn't seem to matter when it comes to being a notpr0ner or not...
Posted: 06-06-2005 10:07
by supamom
I agree Ulf_h, age doesn't seem to be of importance in here, although it does make me feel old sometimes when i discover i am chatting to people in their early 20's that know more about computers than i am ever likely to!
Posted: 06-06-2005 12:51
by Nicky

you probably know more about computers than me supamom. Since starting notpron I've discovered just how little I actually know
Posted: 06-06-2005 15:19
by jayitsupanjin
Here I am. A nice topic to share
How would you describe your personality?
hmm, ....weird
What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)?
PC games
Water sports ecpecially Windsurfing
Sing, drum and guitar
Driving....speeding indeed =.=
Photo taking
What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
lol, notpr0n recently
Do you like to watch sports?
extreme game from <-- a very good site~~~
Moto GP
Do you like Video or Computer games?
What kind of games?
Real-time stragegy
Commandos, AOE alike....
RPGs, Actions, Adventure game
Still remembered Alone in the dark, Prince of persia
Do you like to read?
What kind of books?
Chinese Fictions (Kung Fu u know?)(I am Chinese

Happy Comics
Davinci Code
What kind of movies do you like?
Love, Horror :>
Action, Stragegy
What kind of music?
Rock, Metal, Jazz
Pop for singing
Posted: 06-06-2005 18:45
by ttidus
hey i am jus i the youngest in notpr0ners??*wondering*
How would you describe your personality?
hmm.....sometimes active sometimes quiet....
i can be anything tat i want to be~
What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)?
playing, internet, chattin in msn messenger, n maths.....
What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
solving notpr0n!!:lol:
n keep playing games....
Do you like to watch sports?
soccer...waiting for next season of EPL
Do you like Video or Computer games?
of coz....i am 15 n i am a boy...
What kind of games?
RPG, Action, Stretegy....
Do you like to read? What kind of books?
novel about fictional stories....
some maths thing
DaVinci code :p (as nice as not pr0n)
What kind of movies do you like?
adventure like Van Helsing...
imagination like matirx series....
n some 18+ thing...
What kind of music?
Rock, Pop...
Posted: 06-06-2005 18:47
by Kisa
Brick wall is 14

Posted: 06-06-2005 18:49
by frkyjenn
And I helped an 11 year old once. Not sure if he is still around or not.
But you aren't the youngest to ever attempt notpron

Posted: 06-06-2005 18:55
by ttidus
wow nice 1.......
11 yrs old??
he/she had passed until wat level??
Posted: 06-06-2005 18:57
by frkyjenn
I helped him with level 8.
After that I have no idea how far he got. I don't recall his name so I can't do a search to see if he's posted since I helped him.
Posted: 06-06-2005 19:08
by Hugob

notprOn a 7 to 77 years game !!!

Posted: 06-06-2005 19:17
by Nicky

Anyone out there older then 77?
Posted: 06-06-2005 22:29
by jooly
Judging by the number of people who liked the Da Vinci code, would have to guess that a love of good writing is definitely not a general not-pronner characteristic.
And yes, maybe I am a snob. It was awful. The man just can't write.
Posted: 06-06-2005 23:23
by ulf_h
jooly wrote:
The man just can't write.
Perhaps you're right about the literary qualities jooly, but you got to admit that the riddles and the codes in the book makes one think of notpr0n...

Posted: 06-06-2005 23:26
by jooly
I couldn't read past the first chapter. The constant cringeing was giving me cramp.