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Posted: 27-09-2005 23:45
by `Ghost`
DavidM wrote: you know.... I feel no need to reply to this at all, even if you can't wait for it :>
all these complaints deflect off me like the ball in the current beta \o/

but you replied any way, not sure if thats mildly funny or just completely stupid. Coming from you, Im sure its just completely stupid

edit: read properly, I said im not complaining - I was expressing my opinion on what you're doing wrong. Tbh I dont care how bad people think 2.4 is, at least its going in the 'right' direction (sorting the keepers out!) 2.3 was a joke

But like I said, ANYTHING you can use as an excuse to insult me or start an argument with me you'll take - And some how I wonder why people cant see that and blame me for imagining things. (Aimed at Sixty and possibly Cata)

Posted: 28-09-2005 01:08
by Catalyst
Taken squarely in the chest.

Posted: 28-09-2005 23:23
by DiStUrbeD
NoSexualFreak wrote: dont like it.

goals far too big, the charge is ridiculous, sounds messed up, radar messed up, boosting is crap, hardly any spice... i.m.o.

now hes making cube into november by the sounds of it.




Posted: 28-09-2005 23:24
by Weisso
^ supplied by me :>

Posted: 29-09-2005 12:10
by Sixty
`Ghost` wrote: (Aimed at Sixty and possibly Cata)


Posted: 29-09-2005 12:29
by `Ghost`
The post

Posted: 29-09-2005 14:23
by Sixty
I take your word on him being an asshole to you, but the "Anti-DavidM" thingie and stuff won't help that much :/

Posted: 29-09-2005 16:50
by Messy
Messy wants:

- A fix for human walls /o\
- More forgiving shake time? (atm - though I do think that's the main thing DavidM's trying to achieve ;p - you can only try to pass it back and let someone catch it or volley it away (preferably a teamy))
- More powerful volleys (2.3 max-shot power and under: 1800, beyond that maybe make volley-power equal to or a bit less than - but at least affected by! - shotpower

Posted: 30-09-2005 13:20
by `Ghost`
I thought the 'anti-davidm' thingy was nice, considering its the first time ive thrown anything at him instead of react/reply to his total bs :) any way its not even that insulting

Back on topic, 2.4 needs scrapping imo, yes its looking in the right direction (sorting out the keepers etc) but I think it went too far... way too far O_o

Posted: 30-09-2005 14:08
by Ashleh
lol @ the size of the goals :D

Posted: 30-09-2005 14:26
by Sixty
Hi ash!

Posted: 30-09-2005 19:49
by EsorcismoNJD
Frankly, to scrap something that's "going in the right direction" would be rather stupid. You scrap stuff that's going in the wrong direction and tweak the things going in the right direction.

Anyway, I've played the new game some more and more and for some reason I'm just adapting easy to the new style of play. The only gripe I have is the one everyone has and it's that of the size of the goals. Once again, it really doesn't matter about the size of the goal considering NADBL are trying out mixer maps with goals that are bigger than 2.3's but smaller than 2.4's. The height of the goals is the same as 2.4, just the width is knocked down about 20-25%. It definitely seems better.

Goal size is a mapping thing anyway, so who honestly cares... the default maps can be easily replaced later. Other than that, I like the changes a lot compared to 2.3.

One thing that's still a problem, the clock bug. Sometimes the clock will just reset the seconds to zero after some goals. For example: A goal will be scored with 3:14 left and at reset of the clock the time is now 3:00 left. That's an issue that definitely needs to be fixed.

Oh, and dribbling is still a little buggy. I remember him saying that holding down alt-fire would prevent someone from picking up the ball, that's not true at the moment so I'm assuming it's a bug.

Posted: 30-09-2005 23:16
by Twigstir
Oh, and dribbling is still a little buggy. I remember him saying that holding down alt-fire would prevent someone from picking up the ball, that's not true at the moment so I'm assuming it's a bug.

I believe you can't dribble from behind. I've only seen plays get the ball while dribbling when it starts to get behind them.

Posted: 01-10-2005 01:03
by DavidM
this isnt added AT ALL

Posted: 01-10-2005 02:34
by The_One
You've said many times. Must get galling people not reading.

But still, as things currently stand, it is very easy to dribble indefinitely. :)