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Posted: 26-07-2003 05:04
by InSaNe
Hey fuckface we meet again. This time your remark has reached another level of stupidity. Beyond stupidity.
During the past 4 months for DB, an American clan "Vini Vedi Vici" has been short of terrorizing our community for no apparent reason other than intimidation. They may be good players, i'll admit that, but their effect on the community outside of deathball has adversly affected everyones dirire to play deathball. They, admittedly, have single handedly destroyed more than 4 other clans:

How are we terrorizing the community? Look retard, the only reason you want us out of the freaking dbl is so you can win it, yeah we won't put up with that bulllshit of yours. Your damn strait we are good but you think that all we want to do is WIN, well your WRONG, we want to have FUN, unlike YOU, all YOU do is WHINE get it? Plus look at your stupidity, we killed clans? Yeah sure Bodom has said it but it's the partial reason, after losing isn't everyone frustrated? Out of fustration comes things outta your mouth that you don't. One person takes it the wrong way and the clan goes into war, so you see, we don't kill clans, clans kill themselves.

Finding a little history on V3, you will quite quickly discover that not only is their leadership lacking, but funamental communication skills, and all around decency. Many examples can be found in these very forums, on IRC, and on in-game binds. Since V3's origin starting with (i believe) Xelent and Bodom, V3 has recruited almost all new players that havnt been exposed to their overwhelming effects on the community. Many players from other clans that joined V3 such as OpTimal, CorDawg, and Gnome, Bullet, and Incubus were some of the members of a previous clan that V3 broke up by their "were better then you" type attitude or as a reflex of losing games by the huge margin that V3 constantly kills smaller clans by whihc is EXTREMELY discourgeing. This is not the full problem, but the tip of the rather large and complex iceburg of a problem V3 is to the NA community.

Our leadership is lacking? Of all the clans I've been in V3 has to be the most orginized team with the best leader, Bodom. How dare you insult Bodom when you don't even know him. In the private channel, we all act like fools who doesn't, but when it's time for business, we get serious. Yeah, is it our fault that we're good or people like us? You stated that we picked up new and old players, yeah why didn't you pickup anyone of them, plus you're going off topic there stay on the topic retard. Yeah we defeated smart teams, yeah uh, how are they smarter teams when we beat them? o_O We don't boast about beating clans, we never do. Like how we beat you 20-0...No one I know of posts about that or talks about it, only if someone brings it up. Yeah how is it discouraging. and note your spelling error, when a clan beats another clan, the clan that gets defeated should strive tog et better so I don't know how it's discouraging in any way. Yeah we're a problem to the NA community because we win?! What the fuck kinda statement is that? We win that's why we're a problem? You must be very retarded, yeah I almost forgot your Canadian. Don't like us? Fine! We don't need your love or anything, we're not the problem, the problem to this community is your fat ass, quit whining about everything and get a life.

In 1.4b when DB was thriving in NA, far more-so than it is now, V3 made their first arrival and was a very successful clan. After the recruiting of Sin, Ven0m, InSaNe, and a few others, V3 has become a HUGE problem to the community resulting in a threat to our well-being as a whole. Off hand, i can think of at least 5-6 players who have left DB due to V3's impact on the community.

Yeah stupid fuck face retard who has quit when I ven0m or Sin (retard, sin was one of the first few members)? How did us going to V3 affect the community? Don't take shit if you can't backup idiot. Yeah name the people who left DB when I joined or ven or Sin. RIP and Cormega left when I was in EL or L7. I can think of many players who left DB cause of your whiny ass idiot. Zan I know for one hated your ass bad, he left cause of you. I PM'ed tubesteak when I got in L7 I talked and talked, he didn't like you either, Surge, NO ONE LIKES YOU.

V3 is responsible for bringing plays like the boost trick and shotgun to the NA community and abused them as much so as cY.13 did. Many European players can relate to the problems that the boost trick caused and its dramatic effects durring league play. Now add that move to a team whos arsenal already included a few other bugged moves. This is not fun to play against. Its frustrating and cheap (hence why it was removed). The shotgun, their other now fixed move, dominated the NA community even though it was a "very situational move" which sent vollies at 100+m/s at the net with godly accuracy and little failure rate.

I was told this, boost goals were also used by so many clans, I've seen NS RusH SoP do it, hell, when I was in Pì you attempted to do one, but never were succeful cause you can't boost for shit Surge. Yeah broomsticks and boost goals were taken out big deal, most people thought that V3 relied on only boost goals...WRONG! Our leader, who you insulted had many other tricks, we use them, and we still pwn, yeah what is there to complain about now? One person boosts another in the air high, and he vollies it in, you think that doesn't take skill? Try one, I tried so many against AoV the other day and failed, prving that it ain't easy. You think that we were the only clan who ddi that, after that was removed look at the scoreboard of so many scrims, the scores went down, proving that we were not the only people who used the boost goal.

Just in the the channel #ballers on, you can clearly see V3 has no ops, but still have far more members (13) active than other clans which do. This is not because they are not good or not a "founding" clan as they may say. This is because we dont want a powerful force like V3 in our community, a fun community. Older clans like TA, LS and WKD all had representation in #ballers and now all of them are gone for some related, and un-related reasons but the blunk of the matter is that they didnt want to play games against teams like V3 who constantly torment the community.

This statements has to be far more dumber than all of your other ones. We have no ops, since there are already other ops in the channel, in #dbpug at least one member from every clan has ops, except a few clans. Why do you not want a powerful force? Why don't you become better and try to beat us instead of whining and telling us to leave, do something about it get of your lazy ass and do something. This community is fun, your whiny ass has to ruin it doesn't it? Your a true idiot, [TA]_ died because they were not active, Dirt and OpTimaL were the only ones so they quit, hence [TA]_ died. |LS| had few members, never had a scrim or league match against us due to the fact no one was on their team, there was no leadership, and Tubesteak was busy with another game, we were liable for killing this clan? Nope, think again. [WKD]_ had lots of members, theyir members like Freak and 4-Ever stopped playing, then slowly more people stopped playing, gimp0 stopped, then ET1 stopped, so did ET2 but he's back now, Thex is an old man, he likes to play and we all have fun with him bashing at him since he's old, you can't possibly blame us for that clans death either. Prove me wrong, clans die due to non-active players. Yeah, you said they don't want ot play V3, well guess what idiot, THEY DON'T HAVE TO, unless it's a league match, how do we torture? By beating other clans? We don't mock other clans nor do we torment the commnity in any way, you don't even back up what you have to say, don't say it fool.

Posted: 26-07-2003 05:07
by InSaNe
Here's more.
V3 is truely the only clan in all of DB that i can say are poor winners. If any other clan wins a match they say gg and leave and just go back to IRC and mingle. V3 on the other hand goes back to IRC and announced their victory, talks about it in public chat for a while, occasionally pointing out the quality of play their opponent provided (saying the suck) and bringing up their victories in other discussions. As you can see in one of the posts by Gnome i believe he said something along the lines of me complaining cause we lost by 20... have you ever seen any clan do this before? i know i sure haven't.

How are we poor winners again? By going to IRC and claiming we won? Sure as hell we do, and other clans don't? When you win a prize or a scrim, don't you get happy, or do you just sit there sad. After every game we play we say gg, like the game we played against \vW\, it was one helluva match and I personally enjoyed it, after the game we won, they said gg, we said gg, we both go to IRC have fun, say the scrimw as fun and be gone with it. Plus who ever brought up the fact that we beat you 20-0? I didn't even play that game, I saw LegolaS, and RahSun, after that and didn't even know the score, I asked Rah and Lego, "what was score?" they told me, after I heard it, I kept my mouth shut, ask them yourselves I am not one to boast about winning since I think I suck.
Yes you always complain, why don't you ever stfu for once, you complain if you win lose suck or anything, just shut the fuck up, no one wants to hear you whining. He was prolly right, gnomeh doesn't lie, if he said you were whining then you were, plus it isn't that hard to believe you were whining.

Finally, what good has V3 done for our community? They came, they saw, they concured. What else? They form DeeZ to try and do the same with the EU community who obviously wasn't very thrilled with their arrival as you can see in various other posts. They have done the same thing to the EU league 3 as they did to the NA 3rd league. They destroy all opponents with no consideration. From league 3 NA what are the only teams left? none.

Yes we concured, we have done our best, we tried, well I can't say we since I am not the first few members, but they accomplished many things. Why what's wrong with us being in European league? We will prove to you guys that we are who we are, we will own all, plus some Euros talk shit so we might as well shut them up, and note this doesn't go to everyone, I know there are good clans out there and this doesn't refer to you like fs|pX or AoV or 1234 or TEZC. Yeah we can beat them under heavy lag and everything, shows who we are. We won't destroy EU Div. 3. Plus look again, what are you suppose to do when you're in a game....Are you suppose to let your opponent score...Are you suppose let them win? Nope, no consideration, in a league match we get serious, in scrims we have fun, vW scrim was fun, most RusH scrims are fun, and mind me saying pwned when my team mate scores I get happy :D But the point is, we have fun and aren't all about winning like you think, it's hard fighting ignorance and people like Surge, they just refuse to face the fact that they're wrong.

I personally know a lot of V3 members that are nice people. This isnt a 100% V3 should die thread. Bullet, Blauzen, Incubus, and Imag are all very nice, humble people. Too bad, Bullet and Inc actually were from one of those clans that was crushed by teams much like V3 does to other clans now. They know what its like to lose. Imag has always been a nice guy and always will be... probably because I'v never actually seen him play in a league game and never plays publics/pick-ups where the V3 binds shine... Blauzen, like Imag doesnt need to talk shit to other people, and is usually positive. I only ever see him in pugs though, i dont even think hes on IRC.

Uh yeah, Blauzen is on when you tell him and for once your a lil right, Imag and Blauzen and Inc have nothing to do with this. Plus Bullet was one of the first few members so you can't say that V3 crushed [MS], they were long gone before V3 even formed so you need to get your facts strait.

I personally don't know what high horse V3 is riding, but they need a reality check, big time. Due to their effect on the NA community this may not even be possible unfortunetally. Our numbers dwindle from patch to patch. Our entire squad in SoP is none of who played, and beat, cY back in 1.3b. Teams like V3 and other personall issues caused all of the original SoP to stop playing including its founder Wasabi. Wonder why DBCenter is still down? We actually tried keeping the NA community alive, what has V3 done? Zan hacked DBC and hes in V3. Shows you the quality of their players. Zan is a reasonable person though, i have no issues with him, but with the company he keeps. Much like Xelent and a few other V3 members who i'm not particularly fond of.

Man people don't get any dumber do they? What reality check do we need? Your the one who needs a reality check idiot. You need to face the fact that we're not leaving this community, and you need to realize that no one likes you. Our effect on NA has been positive more or less. Sure Sin has brought some EAT it *NUBCAKE* binds, but so many people have it, so you can't bash Sin alone or the V3 clan. Infernus has it, HTH has it, I have it, countless members of the community has it, they have it because it's funny and it sounds funny too. We stopped SoP from playing...Did we hack into all of the SoP members computer and sto them from playing DB? Get a clue, Wasabi stopped playing WAAAAAAAAAY before V3 was even thought about. RIP and CorMega left way before V3 formed. Oh yeah you fucking retard was Zan in V3 when he hacke dinto DBC? Zan hasn't even played DB in a while, he's out of the clan too, Bodom or someone pm'ed him saying your not in the clan anymore due to not being active. We told Zan to hack into DBC? You must be very very very retarded/dumb to say that, and guess who it came from, none the less, the oh great retarded Surge. Such stupidity, your just trying to put us away and pointing our every single coincidence, get a life idiot.

Posted: 26-07-2003 05:07
by InSaNe
The rest.
Looks like ppl see reason for kicking them out of the league, but also keeping them in the league.

Am I right in thinking the reasons are:

Reason for Kicking:
Certain ppl dont get along with them, and they are said to be trouble makers??

Reason for Keeping:
Cos they are a good team, and with the DBL being possibly the best DB League, it makes sense to include the best teams??

Cant comment either way cos I've never seen or played against any V3 members. =|

Uhm GiMiC you know and I know you, fro along time ago, Surge doesn't get along with anyone in the NA community, oh we should kick SoP from the dbl? No, if you see DB dying, why take apart another clan from the dbl, your just killing it more, and thinking that more players will come out of kicking us out of the dbl, is wrong, we shall still play DB, so never count us out. GiMiC i wasn't there when TEZC played V3, I wasn't in clan, but I'm sure both clans had a good fight, we weren't jackasses and I'm sure TEZC weren't acting like one either, so who says we don't get alogn with lots of people? It's just Surge that makes other people hate us more, point the fingers at him not us.

I myself am not trying to do anything for the community, and I’m not trying to do anything bad to it either. I learned a long time ago that there are a lot of pricks that play DB. Most people said I had a bad attitude. But I never said something that someone didn’t have coming to them. V3 is far from a bunch of rejects from other broken up clans. V3 are the top players. We don’t use any cheap plays to our advantage. If it’s available to us, we will use it. It’s that simple.

Yeah, we don't use cheap tactics anymore, plus it's not like we had a greater advantage over using cheap tactics or anything since other clans can do it as well, so yeah OpTimaL's right.

V3 has no class, they score bug goals, they abuse cheap tactics, and they spam pointless idiotic phrases. These are the reasons that almost the entire NA community doesn't like them for. Just the other day my clanmate Puck finished a pug game (pickup) where a couple of V3 members score blatantly on 2 shootbugs, one of which the keeper made no attempt to stop because he thought they were going to be fair and give the ball back. Puck then told them that they had no class and said what pretty much everyone thought, and what happens? [V3]Xelent bans him from the channel.

You couldn't be anymore wrong Hoju, you guys started the ball giving back if the other team has ball, plus you can't show one event that after it was shown to us that we didn't give the ball back due to a bug. Plus in every scrim I've seen/played with you, we've given the ball back so you can't hold that against us. These idiotic phrases are used by Sin mostly, what? All of a sudden Sin is the whole V3 clan? o_O , plus you act like no one else uses them, that only V3 uses eat it nubcake, when it's more like most people in NA community use it. Yeah Hoju take into account that it was pug/ballers game, like who the hell plays seriously in a pug/ballers? Take also into account that Puck bashed at them, when they prolly thought it was only a pug and not serious, maybe that's why he was banned?

Surge, I swear, you shouldn't be talking any shit at all, you have no authority to either, if you spent all those days playing DB instead of whining about something you didn't like, you would have become way better, but you chose not to, and that's your fault. All I ask is that you respect us, and in return we shall respect you, the only one I'm not sure that will respect you is Sin, that's one whack kid and no one cna really control him, that is all I ask, leave us in the dbl and don't talk shit. Because we don't either, you can think what ever you want, but it may not be true. I also didn't like V3 because I couldn't defeat them, after I got recruited in, I thought wow these guys are cool, they weren't what I expected, or what I heard about, they were nice people, they act like this towards you because you give them shit, you must give respect to get it.


Posted: 26-07-2003 05:08
by -NS-Dirt
Why even bother posting something like this. I can agree with both sides on this one. V3 has their bad members, and their good. You must remember that what one member's says doesn't speak for the whole clan. It's a game where people can have fun, and if V3 has fun a different way that's fine. I agree that spamming is gay, and so do some of their members. Not all of them do it. The fact is that they are a good clan, and believe it or not, some clans play just because of V3. It makes them want to beat them and be the best. As for TA quitting b/c of V3, its false. TA quit because other members were playing other games, and bored with DB. Some may think its b/c V3, but not the majority. It all doesn't matter though, kicking out a clan b/c some members have bad attitudes is not good enough in my opinion. This thread won't change things (probably just make things work) so if they act like children, treat them like children. Ignore them and they will stop. It works, and always will.

Posted: 26-07-2003 05:13
by [V3]Optimal
Dirt <3 And yes TA didn't want to play DB anymore. Harv told me that basically everyone in TA was playing PS. So we had to part ways. But TA didn't break up because of V3.

Posted: 26-07-2003 05:19
by SuPeR_ChEvY
Ok my turn? Good
Some of you may know me and some may not..u should im a cool guy. I am in V3 why i dont know cause well i just suck. I am the worst player on the team. they know that but they wont tell me. But they will let me play in a match if i wanted to. I choose not to b/c i feel i may screw it up. Confidence beside the point. So to contradict anything about the assholyness of my teamates. I have been playing db since 1.4 Bodom was the first person to teach me anything and he didnt mind doing it. Over time the people on V3 have taught me diff things and have been very nice to me. I have never had aproblem with any of them. ive gotten to know them pretty good. Which is why i joined them cause of the people and bodom and i go way back. Instead of taking what hey say after they score or whatever as a bashing or them being assholes take it as it is a joke or just plain having fun. Do you not talk shit to friends (not necessarily in video games) when you score on them or such? I dont talk shit. I like to think everyone likes me (until i joined V3..I feel thers a few who dont know). I am basicaly a nice guy. IF you dont try to piss them off then they wont be such asses as you say. Its just a it and have fun! Dont take this shit too seriously. Cause if you do you have your priorities outta whack. this whole shpeal prolly has nothing to do with suges thoughts but i just wanted to let everyone know that the guys on V3 Can be good people if you think of this as a game not life! so just play the game and instead of bshing each other talk to the person you have the problem with and work it out. maybey you will find out that the person isnt who you thought they were.

[V3]ChEvY<---sux0rs....I wanna be your fan sin

First a few ideas...

Posted: 26-07-2003 05:20
by Bodom
This is going to be divided into 3 posts for easy readability.

1. A Few Facts
2. The Quotes
3. The Conclusion

-Surge blames the failing of the NA community on DB
-Surge was banned from our server 2 hours before this post
-V3 is responsible for hosting over half the American “pug” games, yet we’re told that we’re killing the community and are inconsiderate bastards.

"Bullet, and Incubus were some of the members of a previous clan that V3 broke up by their "were better then you" type attitude" ---- Bullet came from 3p, Incubus as clanless when we found him.

"Off hand, i can think of at least 5-6 players who have left DB due to V3's impact on the community." ---- If we can single handedly make people leave, then their dedication was obviously never very strong. Who were these people?

"After the recruiting of Sin, Ven0m, InSaNe, and a few others, V3 has become a HUGE problem to the community resulting in a threat to our well-being as a whole." ---- The only threat to this community is the constant hate being dished out to V3. Notice that some of the former div 3 clans are posting in our support on this thread (Flatline, TFO come to mind), and posting specific examples of how individuals from V3 have helped them, even trained them. It's SoP, NS, and RusH posting the hate here, and the newer clans supporting us for the most part. Tell me again how we're killing the community that supports us?

Posted: 26-07-2003 05:21
by DudeGuy
whew.... i just read the whole post that insane just made (omg what an accomplishment \o/ :D )

it made sense except for a few parts where your grammar confused me a bit :p but it's all good

i have only one problem with V3

they like to have fun at others' expense, like, making fun of them, and talking shit and even going as far as saying stuff about their real lives which they obviously would know nothing of...

and i don't hate all the guys in V3, just a few that can't just stop being a dick to me...

i think that's what this whole thing is about... v3 players always be dicks to other players because they have fun doing so... and no one wants it

this goes to v3: what if we were all dicks to you; insulting you, calling you names, saying that you suck...

maybe you are just power hungry and you abuse the fact that you are the best... you should just let it be and await challenges from the other clans that want to be the best i.e. every clan

and by "await challenges," i mean: just have fun on IRC and shit without having to ruin someone's confidence or self-esteem, and don't talk shit just because you are the best... don't think it is right to do that because when it comes back to you, you can't take it so well :rolleyes:

Posted: 26-07-2003 05:24
by Bodom
V3 is responsible for bringing plays like the boost trick and shotgun to the NA community and abused them as much so as cY.13 did.

Surge has claimed on several occasions prior to this post that SoP in fact invented this play in the NA community, showed it to everybody, and did not use it. Yet here, he changes his story and says we solely brought it to the NA, and not only showed it to people but abused it repeatedly. On several occasions after playing matches with RusH, SoP, NS, and other clans, a select few people, Surge included would say we were nothing without the broomstick goal (which we never whored, btw). If this were true, we’d be losing every match, but following the release of 1.7 we have yet to lose an official match. Explain how a clan that would be seemingly so crippled by the removal of our “one goal method” can still kick the crap out of any clan out there on a consistent basis. I say this not to boast, only to show how wrong a statement saying we’re nothing without boost goals is.
The shotgun, their other now fixed move, dominated the NA community even though it was a "very situational move" which sent vollies at 100+m/s at the net with godly accuracy and little failure rate.

We used this play maybe once in every 5 scrims/matches we played, and it was successful maybe half the time. Hardly a problem if you ask anybody with a level head.
V3 has no ops, but still have far more members (13) active than other clans which do. This is not because they are not good or not a "founding" clan as they may say…. Older clans like TA, LS and WKD all had representation in #ballers and now all of them are gone for some related, and un-related reasons...

I’ve asked the founding ballers clans (RusH, SoP, NS, L7) about ops on several occasions, and also why non founding clans had ops. The clans you mention had ops before V3 became an active clan, and it was taken away a week or 2 after I asked about getting ops. The founders wanted to keep #ballers owned by the original founding clans, which is why the ops of TA, LS, and WKD were taken away. We were denied ops on the same grounds as every other non founding clan, and I have no problem at all with that.
…but the blunk of the matter is that they didnt want to play games against teams like V3 who constantly torment the community.

Surge, we get more scrims than most clans I know. We consistently scrim(ed) RusH, NS, vW, TFO, Pi, PW (before they broke up :/), etc etc. The only clan we rarely face is SoP, and that’s mostly because of your unfounded and childish objection to our existence. I know you’re Canadian, but they should have taught you about this thing we call free speech in history class.
V3 is truely the only clan in all of DB that i can say are poor winners. If any other clan wins a match they say gg and leave and just go back to IRC and mingle. V3 on the other hand goes back to IRC and announced their victory, talks about it in public chat for a while...

Surge, if we ever do this, it’s either because it’s a big match that people care about (and in that case we say the score), or because someone like you starts bitching about it in #ballers. You can’t start shit and then blame it on us when we defend ourselves.
They destroy all opponents with no consideration. From league 3 NA what are the only teams left? none.

Once again I must remind every forum reader of how many posts Surge has made about the one thing that is making deathball fail, and clans die. He has ALWAYS blamed it on DB itself. If for some reason you believe his absurd argument that V3 single-handedly is killing the NA community, think about this for a second. It’s a video game. We’re people sitting at computers. How much influence can we REALLY have on your personal business, or your clan? He acts like we somehow control the minds of those we defeat. Surge would have made a great bible beater.
Zan hacked DBC and hes in V3.

Zan was in V3 for one game, and is no longer in the clan. The hacking took place before he joined us, and was widely forgiven by the NA community by the time he joined. Sue us for giving a guy a second chance…

Posted: 26-07-2003 05:29
by Bodom
As far as the IRC logs go…the timestamp is 3:30ish AM. Taking stuff said that late as the truth isn’t good. You’re trying to reduce this post to a “he said she said” sort of affair, including who started what first and who said what. All that happened was an everyday argument; it could be compared to arguing over who has the bigger cock. Regardless, nothing said in the heat of an argument, especially one in which both sides are subject to repeated abuse, should be taken with much force. SoP members know that I respect them (besides Surge), and anything I said was said out of frustration and anger at Surge, not disrespect for you guys. Unlike Surge, I don’t lose respect for who you make your company with.

Blaaguuu, I always held you in a favorable light since the day I met you, and Surge’s postings aren’t going to change that. If he really wants to alter what I say and take lines out of context, let him. He’s only attacking my character, and if what he says is true, there’s nothing left to attack. But then again, if that were true, would I take the time to rebuke every lie uttered from his keyboard?

“I caught you and blitz trash talking to Bodom. If you are so good to the db community. Then why don’t you tell everyone the little childish remarks you were making towards him.”

Everybody trash talks, I take none of the personal attacks to heart. My clan trash talks as much as everybody else, and we're very sarcastic by nature. I think one of the main problems is everybody takes our ribbing too seriously, and posts like this get started. If the American DB community could take our trash talking with a grain of salt, everything would be fine. We always take yours like that...just return the favor.

"Before v3, waay back in 1.3b and 1.4b, the american db community was flourishing. I remember the big four clans, RusH, NS, L7, and SoP always played with eachother and had great respect for one another when playing... aka no bug goals and nothing cheap."

Uber, you know that in scrims and matches we never score off a bug, we ALWAYS give it back. What my clan does in a public game is not of my concern – if they want to score on a bug, so be it. Think of the reputation you’re giving us by posting stuff like this…you make us out to be a team that spasm binds through all 30 min of the game, scores on every bug, then flaunts every victory on IRC for hours. Even in the past none of this was true, except the spamming part, and even then it was mainly Sin after goals/at the end of the match. In reality, almost every scrim/match we’ve had with SoP, NS, and RusH since 1.7 came out has been very respectable and very subdued. You guys need to recognize the winds of change when they are blowing – we recognized your complaints about the spamming and installed a V-Chip into sin’s brain that prevents it.

"v3 is single handedly going to bring down deathball in NA, now their disease is spreading to euro, we need to do something about this shit"

It pains me to see a post like this. Just think about what you’re saying for a second. Do you REALLY think that by allegedly spamming a few binds (which we no longer do in matches), or by scoring cheaply (which again, we don’t), we can bring down an entire game community? Every single one of you has posted on other threads about how certain DB aspects are killing DB. Now because one player posts a 30 min heated argument and backs it up with generally illogical and unproven opinions, you believe it is us killing DB? The community needed a scapegoat, and it makes sense we filled the role. Before you burn the “witch” at the stake, take a step back and think about what you’re saying, and what you’re condoning by supporting such actions. Fix the game, not the players.

As a clan, we wish nothing but the best on the American DB community. The secret to DB: it's a game, and we're sarcastic teenagers - stop being so serious.

To sum everything up, I'll quote a friend...

"The only person making a move to remove people is -you- ... who's on the powertrip?
V3 has fun.. I even have fun when I play with you Surge, but shit like this = the end of db"

Posted: 26-07-2003 05:31
by Blitz
gj bodom and insane, way to waste your fucking time with long ass essays ABOUT DEATHBALL. Sit back and look at your life probably wasted atleast a good hour or 2 writing an essay about deathball....good job man, good fucking job.

Posted: 26-07-2003 05:32
by Bodom
That's the only long reply I've ever made, and it's justified because if people actually read it I hope they will have a change of heart about both DB and V3. Taking an hour to try to save my clan's name? Yeah, it's worth it.

Besides, I'm listening to new music to see if I like it. So far Lycia sux0rz :/

Posted: 26-07-2003 05:42
by an_old_man
V3 has a good clan... they would be better if they learned some manners. Most of the members are good guys, but the bad seems to overpower the good, its sad that the rest of the guys and NA have a bad rap because of them.

That is all

Posted: 26-07-2003 05:48
by SuPeR_ChEvY
Some one better say something about my post damnit. Its my first ever. Besides i wanna get all mad and yell at someone for the hell of it. J/K I lub everyone....Cant we all just get along!

[V3]ChEvY<-----Still Sux0rs

Posted: 26-07-2003 05:51
by -NS-Dirt
Holy shit Chevy get some vocabulary you freakin dumbass, and yes you are the worst deathball player ever. Freakin noob get out now.