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DBL dead ?!?!

Posted: 31-01-2004 14:46
by Sixty
[ D`HERETIC ] what about next season the n?
[ D`HERETIC ] div2 ?
[ @Bazzi ] there is no next season
[ Wibble| ] whats happening then?
[D`HERETIC ] wtf ?
[ @Bazzi ] :o
[ D`HERETIC ] Bazzi whats happening to dbl then ?
[ @Bazzi ] closed


Posted: 31-01-2004 14:50
by BurntLeaf
<Bazzi> ill post an official announcement later today

Posted: 31-01-2004 15:14
by Axl
its been coming for a long time tho hasnt it?

Posted: 31-01-2004 15:49
by [GR]Kermit
thought next season would come with 2.0
echo "RIP deathball";

Posted: 31-01-2004 15:52
by Onge
The league needs smaller division and more flexibility to play matches...But if it's dead then so be it...Off to the Colute ladder thing it is!

Posted: 31-01-2004 15:53
by [1234]Jr
Axl - yeah, last 5 years..

and Bazzi ALWAYS has a plan.... albeit a lame one ;)

Posted: 31-01-2004 15:54
by GazMaN
viva la clanbase

Posted: 31-01-2004 15:58
by [1234]Jr
They reset that yet?

Posted: 31-01-2004 16:19
by RaGe|DB
well, we should be happy
we are kinda FORCED to use another league now

Posted: 31-01-2004 16:44
by cY|riCo
clanbase for example :)

Posted: 31-01-2004 16:47
by [1234]Jr
thats a ladder, not a league :)

Posted: 31-01-2004 17:08
by Cenotaph
every1's predictions did realised, OMG!!!! Surprising ^^

Posted: 31-01-2004 17:27
by [GR]Kermit
give me about 3 weeks time and i'll open a semi dedicated db leageu >_<

Posted: 31-01-2004 17:56
by BlackFlame
agreed deathballs death will follow shortly if this league dies

Posted: 31-01-2004 20:00
by Messy
Nah, the only way deathball can die is if everyone says "Aww, this will make it die!" or... "No, this will definitely make it die!"

And if enough people say and believe that..people quit..and people quit because people quit..and db won't be updated..and it will be dead :)