I think we have to take the league into the hand of the community.
With the old System we had a lot of probs.
Now post your ideas for a new DBL and who ever will lead the new Season should attend to this ideas.
I'll update the list with the new ideas you have.
The Old System
System like NBA or NHL (small qualification groups; max 6 teams; 1st and 2nd get promoted; --> direct elimation modus; maybe 2 x 15min)
Addiotional Ideas
maps should be random and it should only be played one game
Last edited by [GR]Kermit on 01-02-2004 20:21, edited 1 time in total.
i mean small qualification groups of 6 teams max, then the 2 1st of each group goes into direct elimination match, maybe 2 x 15 min, each choose choose a map, or the best ranked choose the map
example #1 group A vs #group B, #1 g.A choose the map
16 clans = 4 groups, they play each other 2 times, the top 2 go into the higher division and the bottom into lower division, then they play each other once, it will last a good time and will be quite fun
Catalyst88 wrote:
Just so long as 1) the seasons don't last too long and 2) we don't have to play cube every f**king game, I'm good with option 2
Aye. I'm not sure what's worse though...The monotony of playing Cube all the sodding time, or the whining that comes from players when playing anything other than Cube...
For a brief while around New Years some pickups ran on maps like Curve and Chill...They were refreshingly fun, but some people threw their rattles out of their prams and moaned constantly. I'm really not sure I could be bothered to put up with this if random maps were made compulsive...
When we use a system with playoffs the problem with dying clans and not played games will be more worse, then in a league system. The others have to wait for this clans and cant play their next games, if they need to wait for an other game. And a DW in Semifinal would be very sad...
But if the league-system have no chance in your eyes:
Do you wanna do it like NHL?
Best of 7 (first who win 4 is winner of playoffround):
1st of each groupe can choose map and have homegame in games 1+2 | 5 | 7 and 2nd in 3+4 | 6...
First of all, I was probably the first one to suggest this in the DBL council back a few months in season 2 when I knew the league was going downhill. People critized me for saying it's just a new cup everytime, however, wouldn't that make the DBL have more meaning if it were a playoff style cup? We could retain the previous year stats (scores) in a database and see who won each year. Will Team "A" repeat and win again.
I suppose if we didn't have ignorant people trying to run a crappy league, we would have changed it, but oh well.
DBL Council or Former Council (If I got kicked Out)
Imo wrote:
devnull, I think kermit and yourself have expressed interest in the coding of it. Maybe work on it together?
Have either of you got somewhere to host it? If not I could help there.
kermit: nba style works well
i have 3 dedicated servers just for websites i could host it no problem and as for the script i may have something that might work well for this we will see. this script will also allow me to assign people to league and assign the people in those leagues to a specific area as in -teams-matches-playtimes-players-and such i will get a working version up for teast in a few days