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best def award

Posted: 19-02-2004 13:25
by DavidM
Deathball award system:
show the following in the hud, middle left, x,y,z,a and b are the values
keeper: x
defense: y
attack: z
passing: a
missed: b
F3 award box has to look like this:

Defender award: (x) (x) (x)
Attacker award: (y) (y) (y)
Keeper award: (z) (z) (z)
pass award: (a) (a) (a)
chance waster: (b) (b) (b)

now a list of all awards and how the points are given
-defender award
-attacker award
-keeper award
-passing award
-chance waster (bad)

when 'near goal' is mentioned, it means 1700 units away from goal

defender award:
-defender killing an enemy player who just released the ball near own goal:
*ball goes to other enemy player after the pass
#if that player scores or misses: -1 points
#if nothing special happens: 3 points to defender
*if it goes in goal: -2 points for def
*if it ends up as missed chance: -2 points
*if it goes to other team (defender team) give 3 points to defender

-defender kills enemy ballcarrier near own goal: 2 points

-defender HURTS enemy ballcarrier near own goal:
*if hurt player keeps ball: 1 point to def
*if hurt player is doing a shaken shot due to the tackling (overload): 3 points to def
*if hurt player gets off a proper shot
#if goal: -3 for def
#if missed: -2 for def
#if pass to other attacker: -1 for def
#anything else: 0

(make sure that when a shaken shot turns out as assist, goal, missed or so, that the defender gets not blamed for it.

defender gets points for the successfull tackling, even if its a goal)

-defender kills enemy player without ball in own pbox
*if attacker team has ball: 3 points
*if defender team got the ball withing 2 seconds ago: 0 points
*if defender team has ball but attacker team gets ball within the next 5 seconds: 3 points
*if defender team has ball, attacker is 250 close to defender team's ballcarrier: 1 point

-defender intercepts enemy ball (altfire bounce = intercept too)
*near own goal: 3 points
*somewhere else on pitch: 2 point

-defender kicks player away who was about to get a locked pass
*attacker doesnt get it: 2 points
*attacker doesnt get it and defender catches ball: 4 points

-defender has an attacker ball deflect off him near own goal: 1 point

-defender kicked away by attacker
*attacker scores within 4 secs after: -5 points
*attacker misses within 4 secs after: -3 points

attacker award:
-attacker scores goal: 9 points
-attacker misses: -3
-attacker A passes to attacker B, attacker B misses: 4 points for attacker A
-attacker A passes to attacker B, attacker B scores: 9 points for attacker A (so 9 points for last assist)
-4 points for 2nd last assist
-attacker is being shaken due to well timed tackling by defender NEAR ENEMY GOAL: -2 points for attacker
-attacker has a bad pass near enemy goal: -2 points
-attacker A boosts attacker B, attacker B scores within the next 5 seconds: 4 points
-attacker A boosts attacker B, attacker B is last assist for a goal that's being scored in the next 7 seconds: 4 points

keeper award:
-keeper kills enemy player without ball in own pbox
*if attacker team has ball: 3 points
*if keeper team got the ball withing 2 seconds ago: 0 points
*if keeper team has ball but attacker team gets ball within the next 5 seconds: 3 points
*if keeper team has ball, attacker is 250 close to defender team's ballcarrier: 1 point
-keeper saves ball
*ball has less than 60km/h: 1 point
*ball 60km/h and above and shot from 23 to 35 meters: 3 points
*ball 60km/h and above and shot from farer than 35 meters away: 1 point
*ball shot from less than 12 meters away from goal: 7 points (even if speed below 60km/h; so dissable the 1st

point if distance that low)
*ball shot from 23 to 12 meters: 5 points (only if speed above 60km/h)

-keeper kills player with ball in own box
-intercepts ball (keeper outside box): 3 points
-keeper has last assist: 5 points
-keeper has 2nd last assist: 3 points
-keeper passes to enemy player -5 points

pass award:
as usual
you need 3 good passes to compensate 1 bad pass
+1 for good pass
-3 for bad pass
+5 if pass was last assist
+3 if pass was 2nd last assist

chance waster:
+1 for missed chance
-2 for goal (also allow negative scores)

F3 award box looks like this:

Defender award: (x) (x) (x)
Attacker award: (y) (y) (y)
Keeper award: (z) (z) (z)
pass award: (a) (a) (a)
chance waster: (b) (b) (b)

Posted: 19-02-2004 13:31
by Chubbs
i think that's a good idea, have that in instead of most hurt player :P

Posted: 19-02-2004 13:31
by Messy
Hmm, methinx killing someone when your team has the ball should be a larger penalty, like -2 points.

This should only count from 1 second or half a second after the possession change, otherwise you could hardly help it (or maybe make that only -1)

I say intercepting a locked pass near or in pzone gives you +3 points, but as intercepting a (non-locked) alt-fire or primary fire shot should only be +1 point, since it's luck, and a lame/shitty/skillless tactic if you attempt this (as a last resort :)).
Same goes for deflect (would be absolute luck (=0 points) if it wasn't for the fact you can try and get exactly into the view of the attack by purpose, thus it should only be +1 point imo)

Posted: 19-02-2004 13:39
by DavidM
i say using deflect for def is lucky, so only +1
other intercepts are skillfull enough, sometimes not, so +2

good input messy, I updated some stuff above

Posted: 19-02-2004 13:56
by Chubbs
what would most violent player go on? would it just be most kills or would it also go on boosting away enemy players?

Posted: 19-02-2004 13:59
by DavidM
actually most violent can go, it was planed before i wanted to add best def
it would be 1 point for 60 damage and 2 for instant kill

Posted: 19-02-2004 14:03
by Chubbs
i think it would be good if it was going on boosting away enemy players at the right/critical times,
for def : boosting away and intercepting a pass [+2]
boosting away and stopping the enemy catch it without intercept [+1]
for att : boosting away and clearing the way for yourself [+1]
boosting away and clearing the way for teammates [+2]

Posted: 19-02-2004 14:06
by DavidM
ya, just the game doesn't know the right moment, thats the problem with this
we gotta rely on more primitive routines and just make em find the best player in most cases.
i mean also a wallbreaker will get "best attacker" award at times, this cannot be prevented ;)

Posted: 19-02-2004 14:18
by Chubbs
hmmz that just suxx x_X
But I was also thinking of a best all-round player award. The player who had the best overall all-round average stats liek good passing ratio, assists, maybe a goal or 2, fair amount of intercepts etc.
Basically thinking of a player playing all round average, doing good in def and in att.

Posted: 19-02-2004 14:24
by DavidM
this is just so hard to find out, this would end up like the old point system, where even the worst player can win, I tried to get away from this with the use of awards

Posted: 19-02-2004 14:33
by Chubbs
can't you just tell from the final f1 scores about best sorta all-round play? :E

Posted: 19-02-2004 14:50
by DavidM
who looks at that? you dont? oh surprise :P

Posted: 19-02-2004 15:06
by Chubbs
lol, ok i get the point :P

Posted: 19-02-2004 15:13
by DavidM
i was affraid you'd go thru all values of every player and compare etc after every pickup

Posted: 19-02-2004 15:25
by f1end
My 2p....

Leave best assist and best scorer separate (as they are now)

Add most violent...i like that 1 ;)

Add most missed chances...

Add WOODWORK AWARD!!!11!! (for most hits of the post (that missed or both missed/scored)

Also....about chubbs' idea with teh boosting...this would be good, as I often see a clever boost stop a goal, or idd score 1...e.g. boosting a team m8 in the air to about if u boost a team m8, and he intercepts within 3 seconds u get a point or whatever...