ok after i left NPU isearch a new DB clan like most of the others!
im no hero but not truly unskilled (i hope)!
i play attacker and if needed mid!
maybe it will be a next off topic (or not!)but i hope to get some serious posts this way...im german and 15 years old...and im often online!
contact KevBFL@AOL.com , in IRC #dbpickup or icq #197890403
See Ya!
Last edited by Titanium on 22-02-2004 21:33, edited 1 time in total.
lol i remember titanium when he was always with this other dude on publics and always telling others they suck and that they are noobs those were the days
As manager of NPU it wud've been nice to actually be told that you are leaving by you yourself with some sort of explanation. Not tht your the first not to i'd just prefer to hear it