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New maps

Posted: 27-02-2004 07:54
by Monkeyman11
I was browsing around some of my old maps and found a few that wasnt all the way done, so im finishing them and then ill throw them out to ya sometime when i can get some bugs out...... Until then here is some screens of

Db-Artic: a map with 2 crushers and 2 boxes in a winter arena...

Db-Seth a egyptian area with a simple low ground thing in the check em....

Im also thinkin of makin new versions of a few old maps...

Posted: 27-02-2004 12:14
by -plær-
The lighting needs some work, but I think both of those maps have potential. A beta/tester map would be more useful :)

Posted: 27-02-2004 13:10
by RaGe|DB
I like the first one alot, some better lightning like plaer said but the overal concept could indeed have potential, maybe add some more arcade like rage arena :)

Posted: 28-02-2004 05:10
by YoYo789

Posted: 28-02-2004 06:23
by Monkeyman11
ya my spelling sucks ass...... ei cante spelle.....thanks yo yo

Posted: 28-02-2004 10:42
by BurntLeaf
Nice, on the seth texture on screen 1 for the floor, I reckon that could be improved with some other stuff then we are onto a winner

Posted: 03-03-2004 06:21
by Monkeyman11
Heres the betas all......Both got better lighting and added some stuff.....arctic with the most changes, including a silly ass goal event. So check em...



Posted: 03-03-2004 06:24
by Monkeyman11

Posted: 04-03-2004 02:06
by Imaginos
Cool. Another DB map named Seth..

Code: Select all

*                                                                            *
*                Title            :  DB-Seth                                 *
*                Version          :  RC 1                                    *
*                Release date     :  08.04.2003                              *
*                Filename         :  DB-Sethbeta08h.ut2                      *
*                Size             :  ca. 11,5 mb                             *
*                                                                            *
*                Map Author       :  Stephan "Gobi" Godau                    *
*                E-Mail           :  [email][/email]                      *
*                                                                            *
*                Script Author    :  Christophe "Crokx" Cros                 *
*                E-Mail           :  [email][/email]  
And yes.. it's on my server if you'd like to swing by and try it.

Posted: 05-03-2004 09:18
by Monkeyman11
Well shito, ill rename it when the final version comes far as the maps any comments?

Posted: 06-03-2004 00:46
by Imaginos
Your seth might be corrupt, I can't get the archive to unpack.
Haven't tried the arctic one yet.

Posted: 12-03-2004 01:11
by Chrispan
like them alot GJ monkEh:p

Posted: 13-03-2004 10:53
i am playing with some other new ideas for the backwards map , expect it to change a bit

Posted: 24-03-2004 06:54
by Monkeyman11
Heres the final versions i believe..........I think they turned out pretty wicked. Arctic is pretty damn nutty. So heres ya go

Posted: 27-03-2004 11:30
by RaGe|DB
very nice! both! Only Arctic reminds of me tribun ;p