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Why deathball will die
Posted: 09-03-2004 19:37
by [GR]Kermit
Deathball will die because
- No novelties since a long time
- Community is too small to manage with the assholes (#dbpickup)
- a kind of instigation is in the air
//edit UT2k4 will be the final death
Posted: 09-03-2004 19:38
by Diab
4. more posts about it from people who think db will die shortly because of given reasons.
Posted: 09-03-2004 19:39
by RaGe|DB
I agree with diab, it's bullshit, everybody talked about deathball dying yadaaa yadaa, yea that was in the time with broomsticks etc. Now deathball is turning into something even better and with ut2004 on the corner, i can't see DB dying....
Posted: 09-03-2004 19:40
by [GR]Kermit
Where do you see the fun in 1 month?
Every time cross volleys etc. and nothing is new...
Posted: 09-03-2004 19:50
by fro
if i read another db will die because.. thread i will probably die myself.
ut2003 was a fuckup and didnt get many of the people playing it long enough to find and enjoy db
Posted: 09-03-2004 20:00
by DavidM
oh god
i cant even be arsed to comment on this
since october 2002 (!!) people keep saying its dying....
Posted: 09-03-2004 20:10
by METAFrank
i dont care when or why it will die. fact is it didnt die yet, and if it does, we will all find out ourselves. thank you.
Posted: 09-03-2004 20:20
by DiStUrbeD
It wont die.
At least not any time soon.
It's had it's moments and has almost died, but it's still here, it just needs more of a community base. Assholes come with any game, hell even the lead dev is an asshole.
A mod isn't going to die because of the community acting like morons (you know, there is still an NA community, and its actually been picking up lately)
Also, when summer rolls around, all the kids will be home from school, and playing ut2004, which means more db players.
Posted: 09-03-2004 20:51
by Mayer.hun
DB is dying really slowly......... maybe in 2081 itt will die completely... but I think we have time till that date
Posted: 09-03-2004 20:53
by BurntLeaf
db has been dying since v1 apparently
Posted: 09-03-2004 20:58
by -=LyNx=-
i think it started to die on its first ever beta test...shame
Posted: 09-03-2004 21:04
by GoldenGun
idd... stop this threads plz x_X
go leave db if u think db dies but plz...
Re: Why deathball will die
Posted: 09-03-2004 21:19
by ßig ßaby
[GR]Kermit wrote:
Deathball will die because
- No novelties since a long time
- Community is too small to manage with the assholes (#dbpickup)
- a kind of instigation is in the air
//edit UT2k4 will be the final death
1. Gimme an example where you get novelties with each release. Lots of games didnt change their principle and ppl keep playin it for years though.
2. I dont really understand what you mean. If you criticize the small community, go and play in a bigger one and you will find more idiots and lamers than here.
3. WHAT????
At last I dont think UT2k4 will be the final death. UT2k3 was the biggest crap of the year. The whole community splitted. One part keeps playin UT99 the other ut2k3. I guess ut2k4 will own and reunite this two smaller communities and there will be a big one again. And if db will be out for ut2k4 this community will be bigger, you´ll see.
Posted: 09-03-2004 22:03
by Chrisfu
"Novelties" are exactly what have crippled previous versions of Deathball. It was nice to see them all toned down and/or removed. Deathball seems to be progressing forward. Looks more to me like it's Deathballs time to *really* spring into life.
Posted: 09-03-2004 22:06
by DavidM
no more need for novelties, i was experimenting with new things in the "beginning", now i know what i want and dont come up with new things all the time, which people wouldnt like (because it would just make all different)