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Db League, your banned!

Posted: 23-03-2004 05:28
by Inphidel
your site won't lemme in to activate. or login or nothing, and always says i'm pending or my password is incorrect. and it says it sent me an email for my password but i never get it so i can't check :/

pwn my ass please. its happening to some others in my clan too. thanks

inph / f0

Posted: 23-03-2004 20:12
by siLVer
happened to me too, just created a new account

Posted: 24-03-2004 21:48
by NightBoY
For me everything is ok

Posted: 25-03-2004 23:47
by Omeh
It's been happening to me as well, I told Bazzi about it and he said it was a bug and that he'd fix it this weekend. So you've just got to be patient I suppose :).

Posted: 28-03-2004 15:01
by Messy
I thought Inphidel was the everlasting hardcore pubber?

Posted: 29-03-2004 17:15
by Inphidel

i got invited into a clan that seemed to enjoy the same junk i did. it wasnt too 'leet' or any ego's really so i said ok. league play might be fun.

so far so good. we're not very good. but i'm having fun being the underdog as always :D

Posted: 01-04-2004 07:44
by theberkin8or
A vo clan that isn't ego :o \o/ welcome to the... well whatever it is :-p