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Posted: 29-03-2004 04:05
by [TnT]Raven
Imags got a big one!

Posted: 29-03-2004 04:06
by Chick-kun

Posted: 29-03-2004 08:08
by speedy
mines longer :D

Posted: 29-03-2004 10:08
by BlackFlame
no speedy thats your arm

Posted: 29-03-2004 14:28
by Sixty
What's so funny about Imaginos having a long arm :(.

Posted: 29-03-2004 14:41
by -plær-
thats the Goldmember mod isnt it?
Pretty good game actually. The more you kill, the bigger it gets, and a single lg shot there will kill you.

Posted: 29-03-2004 15:39
by Catalyst88

Posted: 29-03-2004 15:56
by Messy
Yup plaer, based on the awkward-looking static mesh found in that one bonus pack's scrapheap map :o

It's laying around can just find it in the map :>

Great mod that was tho :)

Posted: 29-03-2004 16:09
by BurntLeaf
Look in AS-Junkyard and youll find a strange gold object

Posted: 29-03-2004 18:28
by speedy
BlackFlame wrote: no speedy thats your arm

Posted: 30-03-2004 02:38
by [TnT]Raven
bwahahahaha..were do i get this..goldmember mod?
heh that was the first time i ever seen such a thing lol.

Posted: 30-03-2004 10:03
Oh baby i got the map for you never released because of obvious reasons, but its called DB-SmallPube , not made by me nor orginated by me, i ll post a few shots i think... People should get a good kick out of this

Posted: 30-03-2004 13:52
by [GR]Kermit
omg there is a big dick :O!
kids -.- \o/

Posted: 30-03-2004 15:51
by [1234]Jr
[GR]Kermit wrote: omg there is a big dick :O!
kids -.- \o/

and theres a penis on the far wall!

(think about it!)

Posted: 30-03-2004 17:35
by Rino

ps. david m has f'cuked this game up


Ur mom has fucked up my balls when she decided to have you