Map Updates for DB 2.0

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Map Updates for DB 2.0

Post by Armagon »

With DB 2.0 presently in the making, I thought that it might be worth going through all my current DB maps and wiping out any bugs or exploits, so that I can release bug-free versions for UT2004.

All my maps have been updated and converted over to UT2004, these are the changes I have made:

- I've attempted to make the map more playable by removing the central ramps. I've been playing with it for a bit and I think it's certainly an improvement.
- Jumping on the torches around the room now hurts you.

- Player spawn issues have been fixed, all players now start on lower ground level near the goals.

- Penalty zone border has been fixed.

- Skybox bug has been fixed.
- Goals are now scaled correctly.

You will need the DB 2.0 beta to play these maps.

DB-Chamber2004 - Screenshots

DB-Gloom2004 - Screenshots

DB-Legacy2004 - Screenshots

DB-TheWarehouse2004 - Screenshots

DB-SmallTribun2004 - Screenshots

Please try them out and let me know if you find any bugs, so I can stomp them out before the final release of DB 2.0.
Last edited by Armagon on 23-04-2004 21:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DavidM »

you have teh entertaining ftp

reminds me to update the mapping tutorial one day, some things have changed and will change
you shouldn't really offer these for download until our thing is out!
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Post by Armagon »

Hmm, well I was really hoping somebody would try them so they can tell me if they find any bugs so I can fix them before the final release of DB 2.0 comes out.

No matter how thoroughly an author may search his map for bugs, there is always one that he doesn't notice that someone else does. :eek:
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Post by Armagon »

I've updated DB-SmallTribun for UT2004 and DB 2.0. I had to address a minor skybox issue during the conversion, but no other changes were made.

DB-SmallTribun2004 - Screenshots

Enjoy. :)