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Posted: 25-04-2004 13:41
by fro
Having never used ued for more than a period of 36 mins before and whilst under the influence of drugs, i decided to try my hand at mapping. Moreover, since smallcube is pretty repetitive and hasnt changed much since leef's nuts dropped, i messed around with smallcube and this is the end result.

this is for ut2k4 only.


download link (1011kilobytes of map)

comments from semi-beta testers include:

'uhm, well.. it loaded ok', 'it has atmosphere anyway', and 'i cant find the pic of your cat humping a monkey'

let me know if you experience problems but iv never mapped before, if you think this sucks, please inform me that 'i suck at internet' along with your constructive criticism

Posted: 25-04-2004 13:50
by Still
map in a good way frosties :p

Posted: 25-04-2004 13:54
by BurntLeaf

btw pwn map

Posted: 25-04-2004 14:02
by DavidM
hm, too bad its using ripped meshes.
this shit in the corners needs to go, and the stuff in the goals looks ugly
except for that it feels good to me

Posted: 25-04-2004 15:04
by Onge
DEUS 2v2 matches will never be the same again... :p

Posted: 25-04-2004 16:02
by Messy
This is just excellent O_o

Haven't played it..hell, haven't even seen the screenshots :>

But since everyone is gonna be nice to froste ^_^ so will I

Good job frost :D

Posted: 15-05-2004 19:44
by Achilles
I just did a 2on2 pu on this map [since the new smallcube sux 4 2on2] and i must say its very nice to play on
I dont think u should remove the stuff in the corners cause it adds something to the gameplay and the stuff in the goal is good for the atmosphere :p
But the music does kinda suck :rolleyes:

Posted: 16-05-2004 08:56
by Larry_Bird
good map :p

Posted: 16-05-2004 20:02
by Messy
Achilles wrote: But the music does kinda suck :rolleyes:

omg turn music off :x